T H E _ Q U E E N _ O F _ S H E E N
SO MEEN E FLEW DOWN TO Antarctica to the first civilian airport built on the white continent,
the Jacky Tung International Terminal, about 93 kilometres from the Tuggerah scientific
research base. It was only makeshift at this stage with plenty of exposed steel girders and
unopened crates, but already the News Corporation style was shining through: there was
even a Burger King restaurant on the roof. Snow buggies transported Meen, his entourage
and about 50 sports journalists the short distance to the Larry Holmes International Hotel.
Here things were even more makeshift than at Rupert's airport. The walls in
E's penthouse were still wet with paint, and there was a crack in his
hermetically-sealed window. Meen sat in the corner of the room, which looked like a
cross between the Hilton and a country jail, stared into space for a long time. Man, I've
done some crazy things he thought. But this...
