THE terminal of the brand new Medan International Airport was supposed to look like a traditional Batak longhouse, the type favoured by the local race when they were at the headhunting phase of their evolution. A couple of metallic buffalo horns notwithstanding, however, the whole thing looked like any other international airport terminal that Professor Ichiro Sato had ever seen. The astrophysics profressor was one of the world's foremost experts on the search for intelligent life, but he couldn't see much of the Batak in this postmo(der)nstrosity. There were Nipponese influences everywhere, of course, and American --- McDonald's restaurants on every floor, Dunkin' Donuts, karaoke bars and Starbucks Coffee. But Sato just couldn't see the Malay Primitive. Whatever --- he wasn't in the mood for architecture. Sato was the world's foremost expert on astrophysics, and he had been summoned to Indonesia to investigate the recent discovery of strange signals from Outer Space. Was it the Final Proof of Life Beyond, or was it just another quaser? Sato bit his lip. He was too old for another disappointment!
Hotman Madison, SETI's top man in Indonesia, was waiting for Sato in the arrivals lounge. That was SETI short for the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence, and Madison looked as Batak traditional as this goddamned airport terminal. He was waiting in the airport lounge wearing a Nike baseball cap, Fila shell jacket (despite the torrential heat outside) and Adidas shoes.... how's that for cross dressing! Sato, though he prided himself on his liberation from Japan's tough social codes, found the lack of suit and tie somewhat disconcerting. What kind of operation were they running down here in Indonesia anyway? And why the hell hadn't he heard a god-damned thing about this Sumatran radio telescope? Painfully, reluctantly, Sato bowed to the clown.
<<Professor Sato>> the brand(name)d spawn of headhunter genes said, returning the bow - <<Professor Sato, welcome to my country! You are very famous here! My name is Hotman Madison, and I have been appointed to show you around. Do you want a massage straight away, or would you like to eat? Stick with me, my friend, and I will show you the delights of these Spice Islands. We drink, we smoke, we fuck. Indonesia no onna wa sugoku kawai ne! Well, what do you want to do first?>>
!SHMAEL THE !NVINCIBLE and other entities copyright Robert Bunyarra Sullivan 1996-2002. Anticopyright Eternity Enterprises 1995