Garnet could be the phobic-impulsive type of exhibitionist... the dastardliest type of all! Remember when he started kissing Fiona on Stu's bed in Darlinghurst? I soon felt jealous/depressed, and then later voice my concerns. Perhaps this was my masochistic "solution" for the problem caused by Garnet's transgressions. In a way, I was taking one for the team... the Big Other was not to blame, but I was! Of course, nobody knows what the Big Other wants in any case, but my gut feeling was that it was not "this".
With Lacanian knowledge, I would have not reacted at all, and leave the "blame" for the incident to Garnet alone.
Indeed, a variation of this same pattern played out in early April after Garnet introduced me both to Neema, and the "delights" of mongering in Australia. Louise A. was angry with him for obtaining "hand release" at a Thai massage parlor in Wyong the previous spring.
Garnet might well have been hoping that I would feel jealous for not getting hand release too, so that I might express desire for something similar (and thus breach the limits of accepted behavior). However, I did not react at first. Eventually, more than six months later, I told him of my new interest in looking for "premium" parlors in Sydney. This was not the result of a knee-jerk reaction or brinkmanship, but a strategic decision based on increased wealth. Almost immediately, he told Louise A. of my admissions, and suddenly I was one being criticized, and forced to promise not to go through with such behavior. It was like Garnet could not get away with committing such indiscretions, and I would be punished for just thinking about committing them.
However, I still plan to follow through with my decision... just I will keep to myself now!
Exhibitionists can be Women Too
The exhibitionist tries to shame the Other (women) for not having what he has (a penis). That said, women can be exhibitionists too: like Lisa (from Pilgrims, or indeed Akiko! Akiko had no qualms about pashing me in the crowded Shinjuku Station, while Lisa had sex with that guy in a shared dorm in London. That is because the perverse act is situated at the level of jouissance; the hysterical act, meanwhile, is at the level of desire.
Anna S. is also another obvious female exhibitionist. We might expect that such women like to stay in youth hostels, or possibly hook out with strangers online. They may be interested in non-traditional forms of sexual expession.
If I Want to Continue the Thought Experiment in Tripling, Perhaps the First Exhibitionist Was Lisa...
The second Anna Souris, and the last Akiko Mori. It was only in the last instance that I was able (or would have been able) to have an erection and have sex! It was about 10 years from the start to end of the cycle.
Exhibitionists don't want to have children. They are driven by lust, not love.
By acting out their dramas with other men in front of me, or acting out their dramas with me in front of other men, they are attempting to draw the gaze of the Other.
Could Single Mans Paradise be an exhibitionist? Why did he give himself a vasectomy? Was this an attempt to impose castration upon himself?
Just like Dennis!
"As the object might object, so too the subject subject. Here subject and object delineate the reversible, 'reflexive' forms of existence; each is both noun and verb, thing and activity within the realm of the visible."