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MORE GIRL HUNTING How Many Percents of Malaysian and Singaporean Managed to Reach Orgasm ![]()
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THE MALAYSIAN/SINGAPORE RIVALRY TAKES A LOT OF DIFFERENT FORMS -- CONSIDER THE DISPUTE OVER WHO HAS THE BETTER BIRD PARK (JURONG VERSUS KUALA LUMPUR BID PARK), OR WHO REALLY INVENTED FISH HEAD CURRY. It is only natural the rivalry would spill over into the arena of women. Specifically who has the best women: Malaysia or Singapore? Malaysian blogger Kennysia blew up a storm a few years ago when he betrayed his countrywomen by writing a post called Why I Should Date Singaporean Girls. Kennysia's post generated plenty of criticisms and comments. Some of the responses included: "Suppose that girl was kinda right. you did sound like you were pretty keen on dating singaporean girls. but i've always thought that girls in sabah/sarawak are really pretty. even prettier than singaporeans. =P". (Jetyr) "Hey dude, you forgot one important thing: In Singapore, Oral sex is illegal unless it is used as a form of foreplay. So, a road trip from Johore to Penang would be a lot more fun if you date Malaysian girl :) we can bribe the highway patrol." (Cindy) "For me, it's actually up to your taste right... I mean not EVERY Singaporean girl will be likeable as those you've met. And not EVERY Malaysian girl cannot meet up to those personality style that you've mentioned. And you have to bear in mind that Singapore is an island where lots of people from all over the world visit and set up their marks as compared to Malaysia where the places are limited to certain areas only. Hence of course Singapore girls have seen, experienced and are influnced by more versatile and up-to-date culture." (Ash) "Singaporean and Malaysian city girls are pretty much alike ler...its just that Malaysia is a bigger country with small towns, villages as well and a bigger female population. Thus girls in Msia vary more." (Chriszie) "Being Malaysian - Ipoh girl looks cute and sexy too just like Michelle yeo, mann.
wat do U say..?" (Kaz) "All these talk about Singapore girls sets me into a deep mode of thoughts....about 20 years ago...Singapore girls is no different than any other ladies in the region....but as society progress...things starts to can find most denizens in most develope or going to be deveope countries a wee bit cocky....maybe the price that we are all paying for what we call sophistication and a point that relationship anf friendship becomes so complex.." (Dwane)
![]() NOW COMPLEXITY IN RELATIONSHIPS IS SOMETHING I HATE, ESPECIALLY WHEN IT IS NARCISSIC, NEUROTIC... AND PUT ON. Such a waste of time! Fortunately for me, complexity is not a national trait in Malaysia... at least for now. Malaysian girls aren't totally adept at throwing on airs, like the girls in the west (or Japan). The rules are easy to understand and follow here. A spade is a spade is a spade. Straight girls do not dress up as lesbians just to confuse you, and unlike somewhere like Sydney, it is not cool for straight men to pretend to be gay. You could end up in jail doing something like that. This is a country in which it is illegal for girls to cut their hair short and act like tomboys, or indulge in lesbian activities. Had the same law existed in Japan, I would have been spared my humiliation with C. (read Lesbian Japan for the full story.) DragonFruit on Singapore Brides confides: "I find Malaysian Chinese (non-KL residents) very nice and warm people, humble and sincere in their disposition... from my experience, the culture differences would be that the pace of life is slower over there and people tend to take life more easily compared to Singaporeans. Malaysian Chinese usually have their own business rather than work for MNCs or the government (if you know what I mean). Their family nucleus is a tightly knitted one and it is common for them to go outing together with their relatives on a frequent basis. Generally, you can feel the sort of 'kampung spirit' in them..." From the same source: "I think, some Singaporeans think that Malaysians have lousy dress sense. Singaporeans try to dress as much similar as Taiwanese, Korean & Japan them they are their idol. But Malaysians dress like Malaysians. Some try to benchmark Malaysians dress sense with them and judge them." (Cynthia Tan) DOM comments on The Malaysian: "At the risk of being castrated by feminists, I'll venture to say that some Malaysian women had lost their feminity. They are in-your-face, and talk and laugh louder than the men. And some men want to be treated to be treated like a king :)"
![]() A READER NAMED HARRY METLCALF WRITES IN A SUBMISSION TO STICKMAN: "Penang doesn't have the bargirls and street walkers as in Bangkok, but then lets pretend that for the purpose of this article the bar scene is not an option. In Penang, there is a fascinating blend of girls, from Chinese, Eurasian, Indian and mix-raced backgrounds. [The Malay Muslim girls are described in a 'warning' paragraph later]. "Most of these young ladies speak fluent English and it is very easy to meet and make friends there. O.K., so maybe these girls don't always flash the big smile right away, and many don't have the soft physical beauty associated with Thai women, but I've always thought that in many cases this is a 'mask' anyway. Just like in Thailand at weekends, the shopping malls, parks, beaches and discos are busy with single Malaysian girls that would like to make the acquaintance of Western men, both rich and (maybe not too) poor. All that is needed is a little confidence, a business card (always a great ice-breaker) and a line of sweet talk to start the ball rolling. The girl may not respond immediately because she is a little shy and maybe being watched by her friends, but there will usually be an email waiting in the inbox the next day. If anybody doubts this, try searching those Internet dating sites and comparing Malaysia to Thailand. There seem to be twice as many Malaysian girls advertising for romance, and they are certainly not looking for Malaysian men!" Metlcalf reckons the Indian women in Malaysia are the best of the bunch, and that is why he married one. If you are interested in meeting Malaysian women of Indian descent, hit up Malaysian Indian Dating, which claims to have nearly 2000 members (three quarters of them men).
d a t i n g + s i t e s SO, YOU HAVE MADE UP YOUR MIND -- YOU WANT TO SEARCH FOR YOUR LOVE (OR YOUR LUST) ONLINE. Well, here are some sites for those looking for them in Malaysia, and elsewhere in the world:
Asia Funs:
Asia Brides:
Connecting Singles: ![]() The website asks: "Have you tried all the traditional ways to find someone special in Malaysia? Are you tired of the Malaysia bar & club scene, coming home to an empty house, lonely tables-for-one at those romantic Malaysia restaurants, disastrous blind dates set up by your matchmaking friends, Malaysia local singles groups, singles events and meetings with no results?" If you are tired of the traditional ways of meeting people in Malaysia, you can always get online and search. This site is a good place to start. There are pages upon pages of scrollable singles here.
Dating It: ![]() A wide range of real Malaysian women can be found here, looking for dates. The last time I visited (January 2009), one Sharon Moris (aged 33) was asking: "Who is the lucky man?" ReeZa14 (25) offered the rather mysterious post: "Random Girls are most welcome :)" As if to confirm the existence of a thriving lesbian scene in Islamic Malaysia, Aziema (29) writes: "I am a woman, 29 years old, Seeking a woman from 25 till 35." On a more heterosexual bent, Mayalookingforlove (born 1969) posted: "I am not into playing games. So if you are a player, please move on to the next profile. I am very serious about finding my soulmate. Obviously, most guys dont bother reading my profile. Because if they did, they wouldnt be writing emails to me on this site. I guess there are very few smart men on this site who actually read and understand english and are able to decipher the code in my profile."
Friend X:
Job Street:
Lava Place:
Mingle 2:
OLX Peribadi Kuala Lumpur: ![]() Looking for a date in Kuala Lumpur? This could be your place to find him/her/whatever. There are hundreds upon hundreds of classified ads posted here, covering every possible configuration of desire. "I'm short, chubby and not beautiful... do I have chance to love someone and to be loved?" asked one 29-year-old Malay lady, the last time I checked. "20-years-old boy looking for one night stand," proclaimed another post (eds. note: what you see is what you get.) "Ingin mencari teman wanita..." "Ingin berkongsi pengalaman..." "Ingin mencari teman hidup? Sila masuk sini ler..."
Rate My Body: ![]() It was said at the start of this piece that Ipoh girls are considered among the hottest in Malaysia. I am in no position to support or reject this claim -- since I have only been to Malaysia a couple of times, two of them in transit! But it seems to me from my travels on the Net that Ipoh girls have a reputation, a reputation for beauty. But beauty is of course all in the eye of the beholder, and everyone has their own tastes and preferences. If you want to do your own search for the most beautiful girls in Malaysia or indeed the entire world, try hitting up Rate My Body. Men outnumber women five to one, but there are some truly hot female specimens to be found. And not just Ipoh beauties, but glamorous girls from all parts of the country. Subang, Shah Alam, Makati City, Ba... represented.
Sweet Singles: The jobs are sorted according to industry sector -- there is everything from accountancy and advertising, at the lower reaches of the alphabet, to travel and tourism at the other end. Shouldn't there be a category for zoology? isn't that an important field? No, they don't have any jobs for zoologists at the moment at tip Top Jobs, but they do have plenty of IT offerings. This site is also good for Malaysians looking for josb in other parts of the world.
o f f l i n e + p i c k u p s I'VE NEVER ACTUALLY BEEN TO A MALAYSIAN NIGHTCLUB, ALTHOUGH I PARTIED PRETTY HARD A WHILE AGO OVER THE STRAITS IN MEDAN, SUMATRA. I had a girl all over me pretty much ever time I went out there, and an icy drink in my hand, melting relentlessly. So, I am no expert on the Malaysian clubbing scene by any stretch of the imagination, although I know a little of the Indo scene. To read the exploits of someone who has actually been there and done that in peninsula Malaysia, check out Malaysian Cassanova. Cassanova says: "For Indian And Punjabi chicks, go to Rupee Room, It hot and happening during ladies nite and also on Saturdays, lotsa hot punjabi college girls with hot assets are there, so make ur moves like doin the bhangra regardless of what race you are, just put your hand up n move, and be confidence and be in style. When your making your moves, just watch out for protective boyren's or guys that are always looking for a fight, and select your target wisely. Also nearby there a indian club called Chakravarthy i tink... it's packed with machas on sat and normally on the weekdays you can chill with not much crowd, they have live bands and stuff."
![]() Some other clubs and places you can meet people at in Kuala Lumpur:
Beach Club Cafe: 97 Jln P Ramlee, Golden Triangle. Notorious pick up joint or a cool place to hang out? It all depends on who you listen to. A Yahoo! Contributor says: "I really like the ambiance, especcialy since they are more strickt on age limit. Really nice girls, and a lot of smiles. The drinks are overpriced, but ask for specials and order buckets or bottles."
Reggae Bar: 158 Jalan Tun HS Lee (around the corner of Petaling Street), Chinatown. Like the Hard Life Cafe up at Penang, this is one place dedicated to the legend of Bob Marley -- and the continuous all-year flow of backpackers you would expect to find at a place called the Reggae Bar. According to one reviewer: "Bob Marley, the small cafe caters especially for the continuous all-year flow of backpackers." On the menu are all the foods you miss from home, plus a selection of Asian spice -- the night I visited I ate an explosive Thai tom yumsoup. I had met a Spanish guy up at the Jurong Bird Park, and he had been amused by the way the parrots there could count on demand, and dance through little hoops and so on. We walked back into town, and he suggested we try out the Reggae Bar. Inside the cool interior, a jukebox was playing the full gamut of Late Capitalist Pop -- Kylie Minogue included. My new Spanish friend turned out to be quiet entertaining company, and he told me a story of how he had worked at an exclusive Japanese restaurant in London, and had served all the stars of Hollywood and the Media there. Madonna had been his most obnoxious customer, but the Spaniard had dealt with her with professional impersonality and good waiterly restraint. A little less professional was the waiter at the Reggae Bar, who kept hassling us to buy pot. The idea of buying pot in a country like Malaysia with a death penalty for mandatory drug offences, struck me as a little absurd. The waiter with his feigned innonence and his cool, hey no problem if you don't want to buy, you don't have to smoke if you don't want to persistence reminded me of the dealers I later met in Mumbai, who offered me one of the least reassuring sales lines I have ever heard in drug trafficking: "It's illegal, but we make it legal!" Anyway, the Reggae Bar is cool, even if it is not really authentic Kuala Lumpur. It is worth a visit on your first night to Kuala Lumpur, and maybe a repeat performance if you are impressed. I must confess, I haven't really done a comprehensive search of the KL night scene. For a vaster range of places to go out in Kuala Lumpur, click here.
m a l l + r a t s KUALA LUMPUR OFFERS THE RESIDENT A WHOLE HABITAT OF HANG OUTS TO HOOK UP IN, MANY OF THEM INDOORS. When it is so hot outside, becoming a mallrat makes pretty good sense. Just as in Singapore and Bangkok, the fixed price, air-con, climate controlled, security controlled shopping mall has arrived in KL -- and conquered the city. When it comes to sheer scope and splendour, one of KL's malls stands out from all the rest -- I am referring of course to the Suria KLCC shopping mall, at the base of the Twin Towers. Welcome to the Uncloned World Guide to Suria KLCC. Here you can find out everything you need to know about Suria KLCC and what you can buy there, why you should go there (or not go there), and discussion on Suria KLCC related issues and controversies. Shopping is one of Malaysia's fondest pastimes, and Suria KLCC encapsulates the soul of the entire nation. Why is that so? It helps that Suria KLCC is indeed set amidst one of the most futuristic techscapes in the world -- at the foot of two of the tallest buildings on Earth in the suburb of Ampang, & at the heart of the most happening city in Asia! The twin Petronas Towers are well worth a visit in their own right, so if you are in the area you might as well also check out the Suria KLCC and its attendant aquarium. Just opposite the road is Avenue-K, a new shopping mall, but still KLCC remains the most popular shopping mall in Ampang by a large margin...
The Curve
i n f e d i l i t y + d i m a d u k a n MALAYSIA IS A PATRIARCHAL SOCIETY, AND IT IS ALSO SUPPOSED TO BE THE LAND OF ENGGAN DIMADUKAN (POLYGAMY).. How true are these stereotypes, however... how much of a paradise is Malaysia for men? Indian Express has reported that while infidelity is a deal breaker in Malay and Indian marriages, it is apparently tolerated among the Chinese. "Interference of in-laws is the main reason why Indians divorce. It is the top ranked reason at 30 per cent," said board's Director General Aminah Abdul Rahman. "In the Indian community, infidelity is the second highest ranked reason for divorce at 25 per cent," she was quoted as saying by the Star online on Tuesday. "The Malaysia Community and Family Study 2004 showed that the two other factors are incompatibility at 42.3 per cent and infidelity at 12 per cent. "Infidelity is a deal breaker in Malay and Indian marriages but it appears to be tolerated among the Chinese..." A lot of guys probably fantasize about having two girlfriends or wives... I know I certainly do! It seems like every guy wants to have his own harem, his very own coterie. Islam allows men to have up to four wives at any time. Sounds good -- unfortunately, women aren't usually so keen on the idea. As Beautiful Nara writes: "Secara amnya, kesemua wanita rasanya memang enggan berkongsi suami atau dalam erti kata lain, bermadu. Neelofa pun turut tak terkecuali." If Neelofa won't tolerate any of this polygamy nonsense, what hope do you have to convince your wife to take part in the tradition? As Penpata writes: "Poligami yang berjaya akan wujud jika unsur-unsur keadilan terhadap wanita dipenuhi, dan terlepas sama sekali dari belenggu rasa cemburu, perasaan buta dan ego yang berlebihan." I have heard it is cheaper for Malaysian men to marry Indonesian women, as the dowry is lower. LED ACCOUNT OF THE INDIAN DINING POSSIBILITIES IN KUALA LUMPUR, CLICK HERE. There are Indian eateries scattered across Kuala Lumpur, but here we are concentrating on the Indian restaurants in Little India. And the selection is: "At present, Karuna's outlet is at Grand Paradise Hotel KL Sentral, Brickfields, Kuala Lumpur."
Vidya Curry House: Brickfields.
![]() ![]() b r i c k f i e l d s + f a c i l i t i e s MORE IN DEPTH INFORMATION ON PUBLIC SERVICES, BANKS, DOCTORS AND MEDICAL SERVICES AND SO ON IN BRICKFIELDS: Public Bank Berhad: 68 Jalan Tun Sambanthan, Brickfields.
g e t t i n g + t h e r e To get to Little India from Masjid Jamek station you can take either the Star LRT or Putra LRT.
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