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MORE JOB RESOURCES www.crowdedworld.com/india/bangalorejobs.html www.crowdedworld.com/malaysia/foreigndoctors.html Information for Indians Hoping to Work in KL Information Technology Jobs in Malaysia www.crowdedworld.com/malaysia/itjobs.html www.crowdedworld.com/malaysia/africanjobs.html Make Money at Home with Google Adsense www.crowdedworld.com/malaysia/googleadsense.html www.crowdedworld.com/malaysia/lawyers.html www.crowdedworld.com/malaysia/doctorjobs.html www.crowdedworld.com/malaysia/motorolajobs.html http://www.crowdedworld.com/malaysia/parttimejobs.html ![]()
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Friday, July 13, 2012
Beware Petronas Job Scam
I am not Malaysian, but I am educated enough to know that Petronas is a major company, and a pillar of the national economy. This was the company which erected the Twin Towers of Kuala Lumpur, and it is constantly on the lookout for global talent. So, Petronas is a real company, no doubt about it, but the job offer which T.M. of India has received is a scam. Since 2011 at least, the Petronas/Grand Lotus Travel Agency scam has been circulating on the Internet, as a simple Google search will reveal. The scam has prompted Petronas to post the following warning on its website: "PETRONAS would like to announce that its official on-line recruitment portal is www.discoverpetronas.com and those who seek employment with the Company are strongly encouraged and advised to visit only this portal." The petroleum giant goes on to state: "Please note that genuine job offers from PETRONAS will always be initiated through interviews and face to face meetings. PETRONAS will not at any time, charge a fee with any offers of employment. All correspondences will carry official documentation from PETRONAS and will not involve any third party..."
It can be a hard and confusing place online, but a good general rule one can keep in mind is this: if an offer sounds too good to be true, then it probably is. I don't know if T.M. of India attended a face-to-face interview in India or Malaysia, it doesn't sound like he did. Unless you are a CEO, US$189,200 a month is too high a salary for anyone, even in the richest countries in the world (that said, Neil Patel manages to soar above these heights!) Residents of developing nations often have a highly unrealistic view of life in the developed world, especially of the potential financial rewards; scammers exploit this naivete. Anyway, what kind of company would shell out a fortune to employ some random stranger, someone they had never met in person? You need to keep your common sense!
![]() Tuesday, January 24, 2012 Full Time Writer/Researcher Needed in Malaysia
"Report will be published as columns /articles/special report in Malaysian newspapers and Blog." I asked this gentleman if it was necessary for staff to live in Malaysia, and also about the renumeration. "Salary is based on mutual negotiation," he replied. "As you know, our cost of living in Malaysia is quite low and many expatriates took a pay cut. Some decide to be in Malaysia to do business at same time like copywriters. Some wants to secure long term employment visa whilst others wish to be a permanent residence. Thus, many expatriates choose to relocate to Malaysia for those reasons." Anyway, if you are interested in this opportunity, send an email to radzilatif@gmail.com. He will be waiting.
SO YOU ARE AN INDIAN CITIZEN LOOKING FOR A JOB IN KUALA LUMPUR -- THIS SITE IS FOR YOU! Not only is Kuala Lumpur one of the most dynamic cities in Asia, with all of the firstclass facilities you would expect of a worldclass center of commerce, but it is also very Indian friendly. A significant proportion of the population here hails from India, and you will see reminders of India all over the city in the forms of Hindu temples, tandoori chicken stalls, and even Bollywood stars in the cinemas. Kuala Lumpur's Little India is one of the finest in the region. There is also (must it be said) a Little India neighborhood in Singapore, but KL's Little India is more authentic and original. It has an edge, and that's what gives it a charm. If you are Indian and you relocate to Kuala Lumpur, you won't pine for home -- you won't have a chance.
I get a lot of email from Indian and Pakistani people asking me if I can help set them up with a job in Malaysia or Singapore or even Japan, or get them into a Malaysian college to study, or whatever. I wish I could help them out but truth be told, I don't have any more contacts or connections with Malaysia than the average Indian or Pakistani jobhunter does. I might have a little more knowledge, but that knowledge is born from research rather than personal experience. I was trained as a journalist, not a headhunter, and I see myself on this site as a middleman, providing the medium for job providers and job hunters to meet and hit it off. There are quite a few members of this site now, about 500 at last count, and many of them have provided their employment details and credentials in some form or another. I am hoping someday that Malaysian employers will stumble upon this database of skillsets and ambitions, and start looking/hooking people up. It might not happen overnight, but it will happen one day, I am sure of it. When that happens, this site will really begin to sing. All those jobhunters who have patiently posted their details will begin to see a payoff! Job categories available in Malaysia include: Account Coordination, Accountancy, Acting, Advertising, Aquatic Science, Archeology, Architecture, Aviation Industry, Business Sales, Call Centers, Carpentry, Caregiving, Catering, Cooking and the Restaurant Industry, Clerical Work, Dairy Farming, Doctors, Electrical Work, Engineering, Entertainment, Entrepreneurship, Events and Event Planning, Fashion Photography, Financial Management, Franchising, Hedge Fund Accountancy, Hospitality, the Internet in all its various forms and potentialities, Islamic Finance, I.T., Journalism, Legal Profession, Manufacturing, Medical Transcription, the Media, Nursing, Panhandling, Pharmaceutical Industry, Physical Therapists, Police Jobs, Portfolio Management, Seafaring, Seasonal Work (for example, working on farms or plantations), Science, Social Work, Stockbroking, Supervising, Teaching, the Textile Industry, Web Design, and Zoology.
r e s u m e + d a t a b a s e HELP US CREATE THE LARGEST DATABASE OF INDIAN RESUMES ON THE INTERNET. Even if you don't intend to work in Malaysia (or the United States, for that matter), you can still paste your resume here. This is a resource for job hunters and providers alike. If you are a job provider and you want to take advantage of my mailing lists, please email me at coderot@gmail.com.
Aftabfirstname (Bollywood actor, India): see resume here.
j o b + r e s o u r c e s SO, YOU HAVE MADE UP YOUR MIND -- YOU WANT TO LOOK FOR A JOB IN MALAYSIA. Well, here are some jobs for those looking for jobs in Malaysia, specifically the Kuala Lumpur area, and specifically in the IT trade. If you are interested in studying IT or another tech or other field in Malaysia, there is a special site for you -- click here:
Agilent Malaysia: http://www.jobs.agilent.com/students/malaysia.html.
Best Jobs Malaysia: http://www.bestjobs.com.my/bt-job-ST004-1-Jobs_in_Kuala_Lumpur.htm.
Doctor Jobs: http://www.doctorjob.com.my/.
Elance: http://www.elance.com?rid=1SNHQ.
Expatriates -- Malaysia: http://expat3.securesites.net/classifieds/mly/.
GetAFreelancer: http://www.getafreelancer.com/. Bodisatva B says (presumably somewhere in India!): "Try this site.. www.getafreelancer.com I got a project for which i get 10K everytime I complete a project. I have complete 1 so far. Have 5K in my bank... and the remaining 5k i blew up on RAM..DVD writer.. :D Already, 2 more have been queued up. 20K more... ::droool:: Dudes, dont waste ur precious time on adsense.. get a real online part time job. :D I am not an advertiser for getafreelancer... I am just spreading the word coz I found it to be a "moneyplant" :P (Heard of the adage "money doesnt grow on trees...!")
Gulliver Resort Jobs: http://www.mygulliver.com/malaysia/.
Intel Malaysia: http://www.intel.com/jobs/malaysia/.
Jobs in Dubai: Dubai's Largest e-Recruitment Service.
JobsDB: http://www.jobsdb.com/MY/EN/V6HTML/JobSeeker/jobalert/jobalert_e.htm.
Job Street: http://my.jobstreet.com/default.htm.
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/nhome/.
Learn 4 Good: http://www.learn4good.com/jobs/language/english/list/country/malaysia/.
Monster India: http://www.monsterindia.com/.
Naukri: http://www.naukri.com/.
Simply Hired: http://www.simplyhired.com/.
Solo Gig: http://www.sologig.com/.
Tip Top Jobs: http://my.tiptopjob.com/.
m a l a y s i a n + d i s c r i m i n a t i o n IN SPITE OF ALL THE BRIGHT NEWS ABOVE, IT HAS TO BE SAID, THAT ALL IS NOT ROSY FOR PEOPLE OF INDIAN DESCENT IN MALAYSIA. At times (or at least at one time) Indian workers have been rounded up by the police, and faced appalling treatment from the law. In the year 2003 an incident took place which still sours Indo-Malaysian relations. This is how the new was reported on Rediff.com (the story was published on March 9 2003): "The Malaysian police on Sunday rounded up around 270 Indians, including many IT professionals, and allegedly defaced their passports, slapped and kicked several of them before releasing all but five later. "This was the outcome of a dawn swoop in search of illegal immigrants on one high-rise apartment in the ethnic Indian dominated Brickfields neighbourhood in central Kuala Lumpur. "'There were around 270 of us, and we have already got the signatures of 178, and we'll get the rest by Monday,' said Dilip, an IT professional, who presented a petition to the Indian High Commission on behalf of all those detained after being released on Sunday night."
g e t t i n g + t h e r e ONE OF THE COOL THINGS ABOUT LIVING IN MALAYSIA IS THAT IT IS HOME TO PROBABLY THE BEST BUDGET AIRLINE IN THE WORLD, AIR ASIA. In my opinion it is worth living in Malaysia just to be able to take advantage of Air Asia'a cheap flights. Not only are the flights often free, but the taxes are ridiculously miniscule... and in the case of the oft resented fuel surcharge, non-existent. It is a wonder how the company makes any money at all (although they do have ads plastered over the back of the passenger seats! Whatever... I don't mind staring at ads when the flights are this cheap.) And cheap they are indeed... you could fly from Kuala Lumpur to Bangkok for under US$10 earlier this summer, as part of a Thailand assistance campaign. From Bangkok you can currently snatch a one-way flight to Rangoon (Burma) for 3403 Rupees. From the subcontinent, meanwhile, one-way flights to Kuala Lumpur seem to range from about 4500 Rupees (departing Chennai) to 6500 Rupees (departing Mumbai). Please note that there are always promotions happening at Air Asia, and even cheaper flights can usually be found. One of my Irish colleagues told me recently of how, during the Irish Boom, Polish workers could find a job in the Republic over the Internet on a Sunday, then book a cheap ticket on Ryanair, and be in Dublin ready for work on a Monday morning. There is no reason why Indians successful in finding work in Malaysia could not exploit Air Asia for instant, low-cost, one-way flights to deliver them to their new jobs. It is worth looking into. If you do manage to start working in Malaysia, you will probably want to send money back to India at some time. There are numerous options available for this, one of the latest a service called Moneybookers. I have been using Moneybookers for a while and have been impressed with its ease of use, strict security, and low fees. As Moneybookers India reports, "Around half of Moneybookers account holders use the money transfer service to make payments back to their homeland. While the top recipient country is Poland, followed by India and Russia, in terms of the amount sent per head the French are in the lead with 550 pounds per month compared to 330 pounds per month by Indian migrants and 290 pounds by Polish migrants..." "'We were handcuffed and made to kneel or sit in the police station car park, some of us were slapped and kicked,' said Nagaraju Cheekoti, an IT professional working for WWI Malaysia. "Some said they were ordered to do sit-ups, while others said they were stripped to their underwear, slapped and kicked inside the station..." How is life like for the resident Indians of Malaysia: "The overwhelming majority of migrants from India were Tamil speakers from the south of the sub continent. In 1947 they represented approximately 77 per cent of the total Indian population in Malaya and Singapore. Other South Indians, mainly Malayalee and Telegus, formed a further 14 per cent in 1947, and the remainder of the Indian community was accounted for by North Indians, principally Punjabis, Bengalis, Gujeratis, and Sindhis. "These ethnic divisions corresponded closely to occupational specialisation. For example the South Indian Tamils were predominantly labourers, the majority being employed on rubber estates, though a significant minority worked in Government public works departments. The Telegus were also mainly labourers on the estates, whilst the Malayalee community was divided into those who occupied relatively more skilled labouring positions on the estates and those who were white collar workers or professionals. The North Indians, with the exception of the Sikhs, were mainly merchants and businessmen..." TIPS FOR FINDING JOBS: As Be Your Own Headhunter's Kevin Donlin points out, some 70 to 80 per cent of jobs are unadvertized. Many employees do not advertize for fear of being deluged with hundreds of resumes from people who are often not even qualified for the job to begin with. If you focus on the 20 to 30 per cent of jobs that are advertized, you are forced to compete with the herd, and your email will be just another item in your employee's in-box. Personal contacts are everything when it comes to winning the job game, as the old expression goes, and word of mouth beats a resume in the mail everytime. That should be common sense to all jobseekers, but how do you make personal contacts in a foreign country such as Malaysia (especially when you have never been there)? It is a tricky question, and finding the answer is one ambition of this website. Over at Be Your Own Headhunter, Donlin suggests contacting the hiring managers at companies you want to work at. Ideally, you should contact the manager two levels higher than the position you are applying for, and make yourselves known to them. Going two levels up will enable you to avoid alienating your potential boss, who may otherwise feel threatened by your iniative and gun-ho. Thankfully your future boss's boss will probably see more of the "big picture" than your boss ever will, and you should have more luck convincing him or her that their company needs your talent and skills. To find the names of these gatekeepers, you need only turn to Google or some other search engine, or visit the company website. Once you have their names, you can follow them on Twitter, Facebook, Google Alerts, or whatever. If you ever make it to an interview, you will be fully versed in their personal details, likes and dislikes, company politics... the works. All this might sound a little like stalking, and perhaps maybe it is. But today's job market is a jungle, and in the jungle the guerilla is king. So goes the reasoning at Guerilla Job Hunting, another site which Kevin Donlin seems to have a hand in. Guerilla Job Hunting has all manner of innovative strategies for getting the job; for example, sending your resume attached to a pizza with an accompanying note that reads: "The only piece missing is me." Cheesy, but it could work. Even better, don't bother writing a resume at all... put together a brochure pimping your services, and distribute it directly to the public. Which I note would be difficult if you are an Indian living in India, and are looking for a job in Malaysia. But where there's will there is a way, as my mother used to say, and imagination is our greatest friend. Guerilla Job Hunting can give plenty of ideas.
i n d i a n + s h o p p i n g IF YOU ARE INDIAN AND HAVE ALREADY MADE THE MOVE TO KUALA LUMPUR, YOU WILL MOST DEFINITELY WANT TO KNOW ABOUT WHERE YOU CAN BUY INDIAN FOOD PRODUCTS AND SPICES AND STUFF. You will also want to know al the best places to dine and hang out. With the huge Indian native population, there are of course countless Indian supermarkets and restaurants and street markets where you can find all the things you enjoyed back in India. Here is a list -- incomplete I must confess!! - of some of the Indian shopping solutions in Kuala Lumpur:
Citra Spice Mart (M) Sdn Bhd: website: http://www.citras.com.my. "One of the best reasons to come here would be to savour the various Indian snacks, such as vadai, stringhoppers and appum, all freshly made on the spot. There's even a Punjabi food stall with authentic, freshly made chappati, prata and sweetmeats. Not everything at this night market is Indian, though. You can still get your Malay and Chinese food fix with delicious char kueh teow, yong tau foo, tau foo far, lol-lok and nasi lemak."
Karuna's Vegetarian Restaurant: Grand Paradise Hotel, 62, Jalan Masjid India, Brickfields. Phone: 03/2273 0100.
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