
Como estas .......... How are you?
¿Cómo se dice en Ingles? ......... How do you say this in English?
H... pronounced "ache" Etnia... ethnic group mi nombre es Armando Ortega, soy español... My name is Armando Ortega, I am Spanish. Jugador... Athlete/player Un solo jugador... One single player. Actividades... Activities. una persona de etnia oriental... a person of Asian extraction Etnia Gitana... Gypsies Persecución de la etnia gitana... Persecution of the gypsies especialmente en Europa... especially in Europe tomar... take
hasta... up to El... "The" (masculine nouns) La... "The" (feminine nouns) El Caganer... The Shitter.
El Campo... The countryside.

Campo de fútbol... Football field.

Siempre habla de examen.
always talks about exam He always talks about the exam. In this Spanish sentence, the null subject pronoun el he is identifiable from the inflectional marker -a in the simple-present verb habl-a he talks . Identifying the null subject pronoun from rich verbal morphology can also be done in other pro-drop languages, such as Italian and Arabic