Tough talk, Croon thought... he heard the same every summer. But he was feeling jaded at the age of 33, and he figured he could do with something new. Him and half of Britain, it seemed. There were 5000 people waiting in a rough queue at the mine shaft, and what a festival of sleaze! There were Reptilian junglists, NuDruids, Splice Girls, disgruntled Miragist clones; there were pseudo-Rastamen, identifiable by their preference for crack cocaine. New School football hooligans were brawling with the straight-out satanists (and that was just the blokes!) There were Austin Powers, numerous Incredible Bionic Men, a few John Merritt impersonators and a shimmering in the air which could only have been Wells' Invisible Man. There were also a sprinkling of Samuel L Jackson's mingling themselves through the crowd, representing different stages of his career... most focused on the cyborg cop phase of the early 00s.
<<Maybe you should change your look>> Jasmin said. <<They say villains are out of style, and superheroes are coming in.>>
<<Well then, here goes my superproton plasma pill>> Croon said. He popped an LSD tab into his mouth, grabbed Jasmin by the hand, squeezed tightly, and the four of them plunged into the queue.
CASSIUS CROON and other characters