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HAVING failed in my mission to sight 99 Mile Beach on New Years Day, I was determined to right my wrongs on my second visit to Choshi on January 5, 2011. My plan was simple: to head south from the station as soon as I exited, and keep going until I hit the sea. It didn't look that far on the map. The trouble with Choshi Peninsula is that it looks so small on the map, it looks so easy to get around, but in reality it is nightmare if you are travelling by foot. This is especially so once you head "inland", as I tried to do. The roads are winding and long, with no sidewalks. Trudging up sidestreets like this is no problem, but those sidestreets eventually dump you on to country roads on which the cars drive fast and there is no shoulder or margin of error. I feel strange to be taking a walk out there. And these roads veer off at directions contrary to the ones I want to be making, and there is no opportunity for making shortcuts; the land they verge are vegetable plots or farms. As it turned out, I ended up again lost, and defeated again! Then again, I don't believe in victories or defeats... everything is a learning process! What I learnt during my second trip to Choshi is that this is a pretty rural place, once you get away from the center of town. There are fields of vegetables, notably cabbages. Another thing I learnt, as I tried to cut across the peninsula, as that it is kind of hilly. Deep ravines occasionally open on the path, lined with spinning wind turbines. There are plenty of wind turbines in these parts. That and a lot of funky old sheds...
City Guide to Sawara