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IN the build up to these winter holidays I had one big aspiration, and that was to see the snow in the mountains of Japan. Well, in the last few days of the old year 2008 I had seen the snow and trampled though it, up in the high town of Aizu-Wakamatsu. I had taken photos of it. My goal achieved, I still had three whole days left on my Seishun Juhachi Kippu, which I purchased at Shibuya Station during one of my anxiety and derealisation attacks. As people who know travelling the rails in Japan understand, this ticket lets you ride anywhere you want in Japan for only about 2000 Yen a day -- provided you only ride on the slow trains. And getting from Tokyo to the snow country by slow train can take anywhere from four to six hours, which kind of gets tedious after a while. I was no longer in the mood for getting up at 4.20am for the first train of the day. So what was I to do? As Yoshihisa Soto relates on his blog: "While the snow is good, the Chiba ocean is also fairly good..." And the Chiba ocean was a lot closer to my Shinozaki pad, than the Tohoku snow...

Surfing Awakamogawa Beach