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FINALLY we stopped at Nihommatsu ("Two Pines"), where we boarded a bus for the onsen. It was about 11am, the weather crisp and clear. Beyond the town reared Adatarasan, crowned in ice. We had to wait about 30 minutes for the bus, this being the country and all. On the bus I overheard the strangely accented country Japanese spoken by the old folk here -- they were speaking the Tohoku dialect, zuuzuu-ben, noted for its characteristic feature of turning all "s" sounds into "z". Yes, the atmosphere was rural and old school to be sure, and the scenery seemed to totally revolve around the mountain. We were both hungry so we stopped for lunch, at an old school Japanese diner. We ordered the special lardheavy ロースとんかつ (pork cutlets). Which were way too heavy for me, especially since I had gotten out of bed at 4.30pm. I tried my best to demolish the miso soup instead... and the bean sprout salad. Then it was time to climb the road up the hill to the onsen, to Dake.

Climbing Mt Adatara