m e d i c a l - t o u r i s m
DENTAL INDIA ---- Dentists and Dental Clinics in India.
MORE AND MORE PEOPLE THESE DAYS ARE VENTURING TO INDIA TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE CHEAP AND GENERALLY HIGH QUALITY MEDICAL FACILITIES THERE. This is the land of the US$1 dental checkup, where a night in a 3-star hotel will set you back only $20 a night...
Medical treatment in India is said to be three to 5 times cheaper than in any other country. In Australia, a porcelain veneer could cost you AUS$800-$1200 a tooth. At Dr Madhvi's Dental Clinic in New Delhi, the same procedure will cost you just US$100 each tooth. Of course, you have to pay for the airfare to get there, but after your operation you can enjoy a holiday in the capital of one of the most colorful countries in the world, with easy access to the Taj Mahal, and other wonders! Nonetheless sceptics abound, and the misconception persists, that India is an unsafe country.
As BootsNAll's Colin Todhunter reported: "Like many westerners, I am always a bit dubious about receiving health treatment in India mainly because horror stories abound, some real but most imaginary, about standards of hygiene and care. Some other traveller had recommended a dentist, so I attended just to check it out. I looked through the window and all seemed to be in order. It was fairly clean, had a waiting room, and had various certificates of qualification framed and hanging on the wall. So I told myself that I would visit for treatment the next day based on my in-depth analysis and evaluation of the place. It's amazing just how much comfort can be gained from just glancing through a window and seeing a few chairs..."
It's amazing just how much comfort can be gained from just glancing through a window and seeing a few chairs and pieces of paper... or by reading accounts of those who have been before you, faced the drill, and came out to tell the story. That is what this guide is all about -- a record of the tales of those who have been before. Dental treatment
in India is inexpensive as compared to the western
countries. For an upfront comparison of the costs of dental work in India and the United States, study this table:
Treatment Description |
in USA ($)* |
in India ($)* |
Dental Implants |
2,000.00 |
600.00 |
Crown/Bridge |
600.00 |
70.00 |
Root canal
Treatment |
500.00 |
50.00 |
Tooth colored composite
fillings |
150.00 |
15.00 |
* all costs per tooth |
There you go, dentistry in India is much cheaper than dentistry in the United States. It beats the hell out of Australia, where I currently live. Outsourcing your needs to the Developing World is what this website is about. And when it comes to outsourcing your dentist, there is no better place to go, than India.

OUTSOURCE YOUR DENTIST ---- Dental Clinics in India.
Delhi Dental: E-143, East of Kailash, Delhi, India. Phone: 91/98 1102 6060. website here.
Dr Kathuria's "Multispeciality Dental Clinic" in South Delhi promises an experience of mystic India combined with worldclass treatment. The following services are offered: fixed teeth replacement, dental implants, cosmetic smile design, R.C.T, teeth whitening, P&F sealents, gum treatment & surgery, bone grafting, mobile teeth solution, braces, dentistry for kids and impacted teeth removal, as well as patient education and digital technology.
On the issue of cosmetic smile design, Dr Kathuria has this suggestion to make:

Dr Madhvi's Dental Clinic: 78, Vikas Marg Ext., Block C, Surya Niketan, Anand Vihar, New Delhi, India. Phone: 91/98 10 554280 (India). Email: contact@softsolutionslimited.com. website here.
Where else in the world can you get a dental check-up for Rs.100 (US$1)? This is indeed the fee at Dr Madhvi's Dental Clinic, in New Delhi. The clinic has treated more than 100,000 patients, many of them from foreign countries on medical holidays. Treatments available include root canal work, dental implants, veneers, dental crowns & bridges, wisdom tooth removal, and more, conducted by a team of dentists with 12 years of experience. Implants come with a 10-year replacement warranty and cost US$350. Planned treatments do not require hospitalization, leaving patients the chance to explore surrounding sights.
The clinic can help arrange tickets and accommodation for patients, who will be provided their own car and driver for a two day tour of the capital...
Innovate Smile Design Center: 101, Ornate House, Opp. Fly Over Bridge,
Athwa Ring Road, Surat 395001, Gujarat, India. Phone: 91/261-247 0170,2753. Email: smile@innovatedental.com. Website: website here.
"Smile & the World Smiles With You" is the motto of this clinic, which boasts of being the best in Gujarat State. The also clinic boasts worldclass equipment and facilities including: Digital X-ray to reduce x-ray radiation to the patients; Orthopantomogram (full mouth x-ray); three types of Implant Systems to fulfill varieties of indications; Diode Laser; Facilities for General Anaesthesia; sophisticated sterilization equipment, and so on.
Some of the many services offered at Innovate include Cosmetic Dentistry (stained teeth can be made pleasing by Laser Whitening of teeth or by Veneers; fractured anterior teeth can be reconstructed beyond recognition; space between anterior teeth can be closed using tooth coloured material; and lost teeth can be effectively replaced using porcelain bridges or by implants), Crown Lengthening (people having gummy smile with short crown are effectively treated by Laser Gigivectomy which results into lengthening of crown, bringing beautiful smile) and De-pigmentation ( black pigmentation on gums can be removed with Laser, resulting in pink gingiva.)
Dental Sea Clinic: 39/3 Prabarami Rd, Patong, Kathu, Phuket, 83150, Thailand. Phone: 076/296 682. Email: info@dentalsea.com. Web: website here.
As the website of this Phuket based clinic reads: "You will notice the difference the moment you walk in. We aim to be different from any other dental clinic, and we are told we are.
"Within an extremely well-designed environment, you can find some of the most advanced dental facilities in Thailand - and some of the most committed surgeons and staff.
"Enthusiastic and experienced at home and abroad, our general and specialist dentists are committed to offering you a wide range of high-quality and affordable dental services.
Thai Dental World:
14 December 2006
Type of Dental Services
Of Teeth
($) |
Examination & Consultation |
Free |
Free |
1 visit / 20 mins |
full mouth |
Periapical / Film |
100-300 |
2.50-7.50 |
1 visit / 20 mins |
1-3 |
Occluxsal / Film |
120 |
3.00 |
1 visit / 20 mins |
1-5 |
OPG - Panoramic X-Ray |
250-300 |
6.25-7.50 |
1 visit / 20 mins |
full mouth |
Cephalographic |
300-400 |
7.50-10.00 |
1 visit / 20 mins |
full mouth |
"We draw upon the talents of qualified dental specialists to offer patient oriented treatment at Silom Dental Clinic Bangkok, Thailand.
"Our cosmetic dentist team of highly motivated dentists have achieved undergraduate, post-graduate and doctorial degrees in specialized fields from prominent local and international universities where they also lecture and train dental students."
Services offered include lingual braces, invisalign, orthodontics or braces, dental implants, one-day implants, laser tooth whitening, cosmetic dentistry, dental veneer, dental crowns, teeth bleaching, dental bridges, periodontics, prosthodontics, pediatric dentistry and oral maxillofacial surgery.
Thantakit Cosmetic Dentist Thailand: website here.
The website claims: "We take pride to introduce you to Thantakit Dental Center, a leading full-service dental center in Thailand. We have been providing the finest in dental care performed by professional cosmetic dentist in Thailand for 60 years. Our goal is to provide our patients with the tools to keep their smile bright and healthy for a lifetime. We thus take the comprehensive approach to create and maintain healthy as well as beautiful smile with state-of-the-art cosmetic, periodontic and dental implant service."
Watchareewon Dental Clinic: .
Mr.Johnson Raymond from US Embassy in Japan
Chief, Defense Information Systems Agency DISA-PAC Janpan remarked about this facility: "Thank you so much for your kindness and good humor while provinding dental care. I've had nightmare experiencies in dental chairs, so I was grateful that my experience was so positive. I did not have to wait, and the treatment I received was very sensitive, kind, and overall simply outstanding. It's the first time I have ever went to sleep in a dental chair! I send my heartfelt thanks."

MEDICAL TOURISM IN INDIA ---- A Growing Medical Superpower.
The phenomenon is another example of how India is profiting from globalization -- the growing integration of world economies -- just as it has already done in such other service industries as insurance and banking, which are outsourcing an ever-widening assortment of office tasks to the country. A recent study by the McKinsey consulting firm estimated that India's medical tourist industry could yield as much as $2.2 billion in annual revenue by 2012.
"If we do this right, we can heal the world," said Prathap C. Reddy, a physician who founded Apollo Hospitals, a 6,400-bed chain that is headquartered in the coastal city of Chennai and is one of the biggest private health care providers in Asia.
The trend is still in its early stages. Most of the foreigners treated in India come from other developing countries in Asia, Africa or the Middle East, where top-quality hospitals and health professionals are often hard to find. Patients from the United States and Europe still are relatively rare -- not only because of the distance they must travel but also, hospital executives acknowledge, because India continues to suffer from an image of poverty and poor hygiene that discourages many patients.
Which suggests the problem facing Medical Tourism -- credibility. Medical tourists leave their own countries for care for many different reasons. In some regions of the world such as Bangladesh, state-of-the-art medical facilities are hard to come by, if they exist at all. With the intensification of the civil war in Iraq, for example, and the flight of its middle class to safer realms, it is reputed that there is not a single dentist left in Baghdad. Ditto for skilled specialists. In other countries, the public health-care system is so overburdened that it can take years to get needed care. In Britain and Canada, for instance, the waiting period for a hip replacement can be a year or more, while in Bangkok or Bangalore, a patient can be in the operating room the morning after getting off a plane. And you will be greeted with a smile, rather than the customary scowl of the overworked West!
The Perfect Thai Vacation: Sun, Sea and Surgery
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Thailand, the land of temples, floating markets and elephant rides,
Having put just about everything else it has on the market for foreign visitors, Thailand has turned to what it calls medical tourism, offering services that range from dental care to cancer treatments.
The attractions for a visitor are top-quality medical care, extremely low cost and a side trip to the beach.
''We thought, listen, we have really excellent medical facilities here and we have excellent holidays,'' said Teerapol Chotichanapibal, director of Royal Orchid Holidays. ''If you can come and get a clean bill of health and then go and enjoy your holiday, what could be better?''
Katty Anderson, of Carmel, Calif., opted for a physical exam while on a visit to Thailand and says, ''I tell the story of my experience to everyone, which I thought was fabulous, the efficiency and the speed. What happened to me was just the absolute opposite to anything that could happen in the United States. I came out saying, you see, it can be done.''
When she tells people she had medical care in Thailand, she says, ''They roll their eyes up in their heads and say, 'I can imagine.' And I say, 'No, you can't.' ''
Thailand made its name as a medical destination in the 1970's with one of its specialties, sex-change operations, known more formally as gender reassignment surgery, or G.R.S.
''Something like that, as you know, is impossible in America,'' she added. ''I mean, it's inconceivable.''

MEDICAL TOURISM IN THAILAND ---- A Popular Destination.
"As for me, I'm going to a bigger and more "expensive" dental facility. I called last night at 6:30 pm and was able to get an appointment for a cleaning and consultation today at 11:30 am at Thantakit Dental Clinic. There are 30 dentists who all speak English, and many of them had overseas training in New York, Missouri, Toronto, and various other places..."

THAILAND ---- Bumrungrad Hospital, Bangkok.
Contact the author Rob Sullivan at coderot@gmail.com. Copyright 2005-2018.
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