c l a i r v o y a n c e

This because of the diametrically opposite mental attitudes of the students of these two several lands.
The student in India expects the teacher to state positively the principles involved, and the methods whereby these principles may be manifested, together with frequent illustrations (generally in the nature of fables or parables), serving to link the new knowledge to some already known thing. The Hindu student never expects or demands anything in the nature of "proof" of the teachers statements of principle or method; in fact, he would regard it as an insult to the teacher to ask for the same. Consequently, he does not look for, or ask, specific instances or illustrations in the nature of scientific evidence or proof of the principles taught. He may ask for more information, but solely for the purpose of bringing out some point which he has not grasped; but he avoids as a pestilence any question seeming to indicate argument, doubt of what is being taught him, or of the nature of a demand for proof or evidence.
The Western student, on the other hand, is accustomed to maintaining the skeptical attitude of mind -- the scientific attitude of doubt and demand for proof -- and the teacher so understands it. Both are accustomed to illustrations bringing out the principles involved, but these illustrations must not be fanciful or figurative -- they must be actual cases, well authenticated and vouched for as evidence. In short, the Western teacher is expected to actually "prove" to his students his principles and methods, before he may expect them to be accepted. This, of course, not from any real doubt or suspicion of the veracity or ability of the teacher, but merely because the Western mind expects to question, and be questioned, in this way in the process of teaching and learning.
Consequently, in this series of lessons, I have sought to follow the Western method rather than the Hindu. So far as is possible, I have avoided the flat positive statement of principles and methods, and have sought to prove each step of the teaching. Of course, I have been compelled to assume the existence of certain fundamental principles, in order to avoid long and technical metaphysical and philosophical discussions. I have also had to content myself with the positive flat assertion of the existence of the Astral Plane, Akashic Records, Prana, etc., which are fundamental postulates of Hindu philosophy and occult science -- for these are established solely by the experience of those who are able to function on the higher planes themselves. But, beyond this I have sought to prove by direct and positive evidence (adapted to the Western mind) every step of my teaching and methods.
In offering this scientific proof, I have purposely omitted (except in a few instances) all mention of occult or psychic phenomena occurring in India, and have confined myself to instances occurring in Western lands to Western persons. Moreover, I have avoided quoting and citing Hindu authorities, and have, instead, quoted and cited from authorities well known and respected in Western lands, such as the Society for Psychical Research, and the prominent scientists interested in the work of the said society. In this way I have sought to furnish the Western student with examples, cases, and illustrations familiar to him, and easily referred to. Had I cited Indian cases, I might be accused of offering proof that could not be easily verified; and quoting persons unknown to my readers. There is a wealth of such cases and illustration in India, naturally, but these as a rule are traditional and not available in printed form; and these would not likely be very satisfactory to the Western student.
I must, however, positively and firmly state that while these cases and illustrations, these quotations and citations, are purely Western, the principles they illustrate and prove are among the oldest known to Hindu occult science and philosophy. In fact, having been accepted as proved truth in India, for centuries past, there is very little demand for further proof thereof on the part of the Hindus. In the Western world, however, these things are comparatively new, and must be proved and attested accordingly. So, as I have said, I have cut the cloth of my instruction to conform with the pattern favored for the Western garment of knowledge. So far as the illustrations and cases, the quotations and citations are concerned -- these are purely Western and familiar to the student. But, when it comes to the principles themselves, this is another matter -- I must be pardoned for stating that these are the outgrowth of Hindu thought and investigation, and that he who would discover their roots must dig around the tree of the Wisdom of the East, which has stood the storms and winds of thousands of years. But the branches of this mighty tree are wide-spreading, and there is room for many Western students to rest in its shade and shelter.
In these lessons I have referred occasionally to my two little books, entitled "The Astral World," and "The Human Aura," respectively. To those who are interested in these subjects, I recommend these little books; they are sold at a nominal price, and contain much that will be helpful to the student of Hindu Occult Science. They are not required, however, to complete the understanding of the subjects treated upon in these lessons, and are mentioned and recommended merely as supplementary reading for the student who wishes to take little "side excursions" away from the main trip covered in these lessons.
I trust that my students will find the pleasure and satisfaction in studying these lessons that I have in writing them.

THE SKEPTICAL PERSON WHO "BELIEVES ONLY THE EVDIENCE OF HIS SENSES." The man who has much to say about "horse sense." "Common Sense" versus Uncommon Senses. The ordinary five senses are not the only senses. The ordinary senses are not as infallible as many think them. Illusions of the five physical senses. What is back of the organs of physical sense. All senses an evolution of the sense of feeling. How the mind receives the report of the senses. The Real Knower behind the senses. What the unfolding of new senses means to man. The super-physical senses. The Astral Senses. Man has seven physical senses, instead of merely five. Each physical sense has its astral sense counterpart. What the astral senses are. Sensing on the astral plane. How the mind functions on the astral plane, by means of the astral senses. The unfolding of the Astral Senses opens up a new world of experience to man.
THE TWO EXTRA SENSES OF MAN. The extra sense of "the presence of other living things." The "telepathic sense." How man may sense the presence of other living things apart from the operation of his ordinary five physical senses. This power is strongly developed in savages and barbarians, but has become atrophied in most civilized men, by continued disuse. It is now vestigal in civilized man, but may be developed by practice. Animals have this extra sense highly developed, and it plays a very important part in their protection from enemies; their capture of prey, etc. The strange actions of dogs, horses, etc., explained. How the geese saved Rome by reason of this sense. All hunters have experienced evidences of the existence of this sense on the part of animals. The physical telepathic sense. How it operates. Interesting instances of its possession by animals, and savage tribes. Women possess it strongly. The distinction between this form of thought-transference and clairvoyance.
WHAT "TELEPATHY" MEANS. The mental process by which one "knows at a distance." The sending and receiving of waves and currents of thought and feeling. Thought vibrations, and how they are caused. The part played by the cerebrum, cerebellum, and medulla oblongata -- the three brains of man. The part played by the solar plexus and other great nervous centres. How thought messages are received. How states of emotional excitement are transmitted to others. The Pineal Gland: what it is, and what it does. The important part it plays in telepathy and thought-transference. Mental atmospheres. Psychic atmospheres of audiences, towns, houses, stores, etc. Why you are not affected by all thought vibrations in equal measure and strength. How thought vibrations are neutralized. Affinities and repulsions between different thought vibrations. Interesting facts concerning telepathy. Scientific explanations of telepathy.
THE IMPORTANT INVESTIGATIONS OF THE SOCIETY FOR PSYCHICAL RESEARCH. True telepathy and pseudo-telepathy; how they are distinguished by scientists. Strict tests imposed in investigations. The celebrated "Creery Experiments," and how they were conducted. The elaboration of the "guessing" game. Seventeen cards chosen right, in straight succession. Precautions against fraud or collusion. Two hundred and ten successes out of a possible three hundred and eighty-two. Science pronounces the results as entirely beyond the law of coincidences and mathematical probability; and that the phenomena were genuine and real telepathy. Still more wonderful tests. Telepathy an incontestable reality. "A psychic force transmitting ideas and thoughts." Interesting cases of spontaneous telepathy, scientifically proven. Extracts from the scientific records. Cold scientific reports read like a romance, and prove beyond doubt the reality of this great field of phenomena.
WHAT "MIND-READING" IS. The two phases of Mind-Reading. Mind-Reading with physical contact; and without physical contact. Why the scientific investigators make the distinction. Why science has been over-cautious; and how it falls short of the full understanding of contact Mind-Reading. How the thought-waves flow along the nerves of the projector and recipient. Like telegraphy over wires, as compared with the wireless method. How to learn by actual experience, and not alone by reading books. How to experiment for yourself; and how to obtain the best results in Mind-Reading. The working principles of Mind-Reading stated. Full directions and instruction given for the successful performance of the interesting feats. This lesson is really a little manual of practical instruction in Mind-Reading, and the higher phases of Thought-Transference. The person carefully studying and applying the principles taught therein should become very proficient in both private and public manifestations.
WHAT CLAIRVOYANCE REALLY IS; AND WHAT IT IS NOT. The faculty of acquiring super-normal knowledge of facts and happening at a distance, or in past or future time, independent of the ordinary senses, and independent of telepathic reading of the minds of others. The different kinds of Clairvoyance described. What is Psychometry? Clairvoyant en rapport relations on the astral plane, with distant, past or future happenings and events; by means of a connecting material link. How to obtain the psychic affinity or astral relation to other things by means of a bit of stone, lock of hair, article of wearing apparel, etc. Interesting instances of clairvoyant psychometry. How to go about the work of psychometrizing. How to develop the power. How to secure the best conditions; and what to do when you have obtained them. Psychometry develops the occultist for still higher clairvoyant powers.
THE SECOND GREAT METHOD OF SECURING CLAIRVOYANCE EN RAPPORT RELATIONS WITH THE ASTRAL PLANE. How the crystal, magic-mirror, etc., serves to focus the psychic energy of the clairvoyant person. The crystal serves the purpose of a psychic microscope or telescope. How crystals tend to become polarized to the vibrations of their owner. Why crystals should be preserved for the personal use of their owners. The use of crystals, or other forms of shining objects, by different peoples in ancient and modern times. How they are employed in Australia, New Zealand, Fiji Islands, South America, etc., by the primitive tribes. Various substitutes for the crystal. Full directions for Crystal Gazing. Complete instructions and warnings. All stages described, from the first "milky mist" to the clearly defined "psychic photograph." The Astral Tube, and the part it plays in Crystal Gazing. A complete little text-book of the subject.
THE HIGHER FORMS OF CLAIRVOYANCE, AND HOW THEY MAY BE CULTIVATED AND ACQUIRED. Trance conditions not essential to highest Clairvoyance, although often connected therewith. In Clairvoyant Reverie, the clairvoyant does not become unconscious; but merely "shuts out" the outside world of sights and sounds. Shifting the consciousness from the physical plane to the astral. Clairvoyant Reverie may be safely and effectively induced by mental concentration alone. Artificial methods dangerous, and not advised by best authorities. Abnormal conditions not desirable. The "one pointed" mind. The Clairvoyant "day dream" or "brown study." False "psychic development." Use of hypnotic drugs strongly condemned. Scientific psychological methods stated and taught. The laws of attention and concentration of the mind. How Clairvoyance develops by this method. The true occult instruction given fully.
WHAT THE CLAIRVOYANT SENSES IN SIMPLE CLAIRVOYANCE. Perception of the Aura, and Auric Emanations of others; Psychic Vibrations; Astral Colors; Thought Currents, Waves and Vibrations, etc., are features of Simple Clairvoyance. The beautiful kaleidoscopic spectacle of the Auric changes. The Prana Aura, and its appearances. The Mental and Emotional Aura, and its many interesting phases. Perception of Astral Thought-Forms. Other Astral Phenomena. The Astral World, and its Myriad Manifestations. Strange aspects of Astral Visioning. "Seeing through a Brick-wall." The X-Ray Vision. Reading from closed books, sealed envelopes, etc., and how it is explainable. Seeing into the depths of the earth, and the occult explanation thereof. The Laws and Principles of this Extraordinary Power. Magnifying and Diminishing Clairvoyant Vision. A wonderful field for experiment opened out for the student.
THE CHARACTERISTICS OF SPACE CLAIRVOYANCE. The Astral Seeing of Distant Scenes; and through intervening objects. Remarkable instances of this power, well authenticated and established. Interesting and instructive historical cases recorded and explained. Testimony of the Society for Psychical Research concerning this phase of Clairvoyance. The interesting case of W.T. Stead, the celebrated English writer, who went down on the "Titanic." The important testimony of Swedenborg, the eminent religious teacher. Other well-authenticated cases happening to well-known persons. The evidence collected by the Society for Psychical Research. Interesting German case. Why so many cases of this kind happen when the person is on his death-bed, or seriously ill. Why such experiences often occur in dreams. Actual "appearance" of persons at a distance, and how explained. Important and interesting facts recited in connection with this phase of Clairvoyance.
THE CLAIRVOYANT PERCEPTION OF THE FACTS, EVENTS AND HAPPENINGS OF PAST TIME. There is no difference in the nature of this strange phenomenon, whether the past time be but five minutes or else five thousand years. How is it possible to "see" a thing that no longer exists? The "just how" of this strange happening. Nothing could be perceived if it had actually disappeared from existence. But nothing entirely disappears in fact. On the astral plane are recorded all things, events and happenings since the beginning of the present world-cycle. The "Akashic Records;" or the "Astral Light;" constitute the great record books of the past. The clairvoyant gaining access to these may read the past like a book. Analogies in physical science. Interesting scientific facts. What astronomy teaches on the subject. How the records of the past are stored. How they are read by the clairvoyant. A fascinating subject clearly presented and explained.
THE CLAIRVOYANT POWER MANIFEST IN ALL FORMS OF PERCEPTION OF FACTS, HAPPENINGS AND EVENTS OF FUTURE TIME. Explanation of Prophecy, Prevision, Foretelling, Second-Sight, etc. These powers not supernatural; but are merely the development of the clairvoyant faculties. How may a thing be "seen" years before it really exists. Nothing could be seen, unless it existed in some form, at least potential and latent. Keen perception of the subconscious faculties. Subconscious reasoning from cause to effect. Coming events cast their shadows before. Fate vs. Free-Will. "Time is but a relative mode of regarding things." "Events may, in some sense, exist always, both past and future." Time like a moving-picture reel, containing the future scene at the present moment, though out of sight. Analogy of dream-time. An Absolute Consciousness in which past, present and future exist as a single perception. A glimpse of a transcendental truth. How to acquire the faculty of Future-Clairvoyance.
MANY PERSONS, IN ALL TIMES, IN ALL LANDS, HAVE POSSESSED THE GIFT OF LOOKING INTO THE FUTURE. Not a superstition, but a scientific fact. The Investigations of the scientific bodies. The Society for Psychical Research, and its reports on this phase of Clairvoyance. Interesting case told by a leading Theosophist. Tragedy and Funeral foreseen by Clairvoyant Prevision, or Second-Sight. Historical instances. George Fox, the Quaker, and his Second-Sight. The prophecy of the Death of Caesar. Biblical instances. The celebrated case of Cazotte, which has become a matter of history. How Cazotte foretold the coming of the French Revolution, including the fate of eminent personages present at the time of the prophecy. A startling occurrence, well worthy of careful study. The historical case of the assassination of Spencer Perceval, Chancellor of the Exchequer. Other well-authenticated cases. Symbolic visions. Irish and Scotch cases.
ASTRAL VISIONING IN CLAIRVOYANCE, AND VISIONING BY MEANS OF THE ASTRAL BODY. The difference between the two phases of clairvoyant phenomena. The characteristics of Astral-Body traveling. How one traveling in the Astral Body may "see all around him," instead of merely gazing at an astral picture. Limitations of Astral-Body visioning. What the Astral-Body really is; and what it is like. How it disengages itself from the physical body, and travels in space. Many persons "travel in the astral" during ordinary sleep. Occult teachings regarding Astral-Body traveling. How dying persons often travel in the astral-body, before death. Many interesting cases cited, all well-authenticated by scientific investigation. Society for Psychical Research's records and reports on such cases. Dangers of uninstructed persons going out on the astral, except in dream state. "Fools rush in where angels fear to tread." A timely warning. A most important and interesting subject.
ADDITIONAL PHASES OF ASTRAL PHENOMENA. Projection of Thought-Forms. Something between ordinary Clairvoyance and Astral-Body perception. What a Thought-Form is. How it is created. What it does. Where it goes. How a portion of one's consciousness is projected in a Thought-Form. Using a Thought-Form as at cut-post, or observation point. How things appear when viewed from a Thought-Form. A wonderful phase of occult phenomena. Advantages and disadvantages of this form of clairvoyant visioning. Hindu Psychic Magic, and how it is performed. Remarkable illusory effects produced by Hindu Magicians. All is explained when the principle of the creation and projection of Thought-Forms is understood. Why the Hindus excel in this phase of occultism. An interesting description of Hindu Magic feats. The power of concentrated "visualization." The phenomena of Levitation, or the moving of articles at a distance. The occult explanation of this phenomenon. Natural explanation for so-called "super-natural" occurrence.
THE LAWS AND PRINCIPLES UNDERLYING THE POWER OF ONE MIND TO INFLUENCE AND AFFECT ANOTHER MIND. More than ordinary telepathy. The inductive power of mental vibrations. Everything is in vibration. Mental vibrations are much higher in the scale than are physical vibrations. What "induction" is. How a mental state, or an emotional feeling, tends to induce a similar state in another mind. Many instances cited. The different degrees of vibratory influence, and what causes the difference. The contagious effect of a "strong feeling." Why a strong desire hag a dynamic effect in certain cases. The power of visualization in Psychic Influence. The Attractive Power of Thought. The effect of Mental Concentration. Focusing your Forces. Holding the mind to a state of "one-pointedness." Why the occultist controls his imagination. Suggestions as to practice, and rules of development. A few easily-mastered principles which give you the key to the whole of this wonderful subject.
PSYCHIC INFLUENCE EXERTED OVER OTHERS, WHEN IN THEIR PRESENCE. Different degrees of the influence. Possession of this power by Alexander the Great, Napoleon Bonaparte, Julius Caesar, and other great leaders of men. The ability to influence others is a sure sign of the possession of this psychic power. The Three Underlying Principles of Psychic Influence. The importance of strong desire to influence and exert power. The importance of clear, positive mental pictures of what effect you wish to produce. The importance of the firm concentration of your mind on the subject. The creation of a positive psychic atmosphere. The Positive Psychic Aura. How to project your Psychic Power. The Psychic Struggle between two persons. How to handle yourself in such conflicts of Psychic Power. How to Neutralize the Psychic Power of others, and thus disarm them. The Occult Shield of Defence. Valuable directions regarding practice and development of Psychic Power. Scientific Exercises for Development. Important Rules of Practice.
PSYCHIC INFLUENCE OVER OTHERS, MANIFESTED WHEN THEY ARE DISTANT FROM THE PERSON EXERTING THE INFLUENCE. Distance no obstacle. Psychic Induction at Long-Range. How to create the en rapport condition with the other person. How to protect yourself against such influence at a distance. The Psychic Armor. Psychometric Method of producing Distant En Rapport Condition. To proceed when the en rapport condition is secured. The scientific explanation of the old tales about sorcery, witchcraft, super-natural influence, etc. The effect of fear, and belief, on the mind of the other person. The effect of Denial. The secret of many strange cases made plain. Some typical cases. The Master-Key which unlocks the doors of many Mysteries. Low forms of Occultism, and how they may be defeated. Dangerous Teachings in some quarters. Warnings against their use. The Astral Tube; how it is erected, used and employed. A simple, plain explanation of a puzzling occult manifestation. Self-Protection.
HOW PSYCHIC VIBRATIONS TEND TO ATTRACT TO THEIR CREATOR OTHER PERSONS VIBRATING ALONG THE SAME LINES; AND THINGS HAVING A RELATION TO THE THINGS THOUGHT OF. Harmony and Inharmony in the Psychic World. The Law of Psychic Attraction. The Law of Psychic Repulsion. An important phase of Astral Phenomena. The Law works two ways. It draws other persons and things to you; and you to other persons and things. How the men of "big business" operate under this Law of Attraction. How scheming exploiters of the public actually "treat the public" by psychic means. The various forms of psychic influence employed by persons of this kind. The Law of Attraction, and how it works out in Business Life. The scientific facts behind the outward appearance of things. Instances and examples of the working out of these laws and principles. The Law of Psychic Attraction is as constant and invariable as the great Law of Gravitation, or Magnetic Attraction. The Co-Relation of Thoughts and Things. How we may create our own environment by Psychic Influence.
THE PSYCHIC PRINCIPLES UNDERLYING THE MANY FORMS OF PSYCHIC OR MENTAL HEALING. Many theories -- one set of principles. Psychic Healing as old as the race. The Basic Principles of Psychic Healing. The Physiological Principles involved. How the Astral Body is used in Psychic Healing. Human Magnetism, and what it really is. All about Prana. The Laying-on of Hands in Healing; and what is back of it. What happens in Magnetic Healing. The Secret of Absent Healing. Space no barrier in Psychic Healing. The Human Aura and Psychic Healing. The Secret of Suggestive Therapeutics. The effect of the "affirmations" of the healers. How the Healing Cults obtain good results. Self-Healing by Psychic Power. Absent Healing by Psychic Power. How to "treat" others by Absent Treatment. Valuable Instructions and Practical Methods of Psychic Healing. The whole subject condensed, and made plain, so that it may be applied by any person of average intelligence. No fanciful theories; only plain, practical facts for actual application.
This text was borrowed from Project Gutenberg. Contact the webmaster Rob Sullivan at coderot@gmail.com. Anticopyright February 2007-2017.
