![]() भारत (India)FEW NATIONS CAN COMPETE WITH THE SENSORY OVERLOAD THAT IS INDIA (भारत). More of a subcontinent than a country, the Indian peninsula is a place where both the volume and the color contrast have been turned up to 11, and beyond. Spices, costumes and music are all exaggerated well beyond the point of saturation. Loud, proud and in-your-face, that is the Indian personality.![]() Bharat (India) occupies an entire subcontinent THINGS TO SEEINDIA HAS IT all from tropical beaches to blazing deserts to the mighty snowcapped mountains of the north. Those mountains (the Himalayas) are of course the tallest in the world and they loom large in Indian mythology. Wherever you go, beauty and depravity will parade before you, comingling the sacred and the profane. Pyres on the ghats, charred body parts floating in the Ganges River. Jungles studded with ancient monuments, which give way suddenly to teeming slums. In the urban jungle of the metros, you will be confronted with a deluge of faces, races, creeds and castes, to match the Pantheon of Gods in the sky. For example, the Chettiars are a moneylending caste fromINDIAN SOCIETYDespite being abolished in 1955, following the Gandhi revolution, the caste system seems very much alive. There is evidence that a Brahmin priest caste was a feature of early Indo-European society. As one poster wrote on Yahoo! Answers: "I am Brahmin and even though I really do not identify with its tenets and beliefs, my family will not accept my fiance if she is not brahmin. My mother will go to the extent of not accepting her if she is not a tamil iyer brahmin which is a very specific sub-sect of brahmin..."CITIES & STATESLARGE CITIES are called Metros in India. Many of them had Anglified names, which are reverting to their native titles (as in Australia, too!) New Delhi is the capital, while Mumbai (formerly known as Bombay) is the business center, as well as the moviemaking Mecca (Bollywood). Kolkata/Calcutta services the vast Bengal hinterland (some of which has become modern day Bangladesh). Chennai/Madras is the capital of the Tamils.![]() » Mumbai NEIGHBOURING COUNTRIES» Bangladesh (बांग्लादेश)» China » Nepal Connect with me on CouchSurfing | Email | Google + | iTalki | LinkedIn | Quora | SoundCloud | Twitter Read my blog at Vagabondic! |
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