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The last time I went to Iceland, my diet consisted of nothing more exciting than hot dogs and hamburgers and the mysteriously named drekka samloka ("dragon sandwich"), which I enjoyed at my buddy's corner store in the heart of the capital. That was cool, because I knew I wasn't in Reykjavik for the food -- I was there for the kick ass music and the Midnight Sun! The first time I went to Iceland, I couldn't afford to eat anything at all! That said, if you have the money, there are some gourmet options in the country -- mostly in Reykjavik, but also in other towns and villages. This website is basically the attempt to catalogue all of these aforestated Icelandic dining options. If you are living in Iceland, or planning to visit for a holiday, it is interesting to take part in all the seasonal festivities which happen here. For example, there is Thorri, a Viking festival held on the Friday in the 13th week of the year. Each February Perlan (one of Reykjavik's most important sites) hosts a Thorri Day of its own for 200 guests. An hour's walk about Öskjuhlíð is followed by servings of hot cocoa and rum, after which a banquet is held with traditional food as it was prepared a thousand years ago. Thorlaksmessa, held two days before Christmas in honor of Iceland's native saint, is another festival you could experience if you were so inclined.
![]() ![]() ![]() Apótek Bar Grill: Pósthússtræti 7 | 101 Reykjavík | Sími: 562 4455 | Web: http://www.veitingar.is. Apotek Bar-Grill is one of the newest restaurants in Reykjavík. The building at Austurstræti 16 formerly housed the pharmacy Reykjavíkurapótek, which lent the restaurant its name. The food at this place is not cheap -- but this is Iceland after all, what did you expect? The maki sushi on the menu (basically rice and seafood type stuff wrapped in seaweed) will set you back 300Kr a plate, which is about five times what you would expect to pay for the same thing in Tokyo (but I guess this is not Japan!) Grilled flounder with fried noodle cake and ponzu-noisette sauce goes for 2860Kr, while the salted cod with cardamom sauce, mashed potatoes and bacon is a steal at 2990Kr (equal to the cost of about six big glasses of beer in a swinging Reykjavik bar!)
![]() ![]() ![]() Fylgifiskar: . This is what National Geographic reported: ""Twenty years ago, Iceland was struggling, economically and gastronomically," explains Guðbjörg Logadóttir, ice-blue-eyed proprietor of the sleek fish luncheonette Fylgifiskar. "We're not struggling anymore. No more boiled haddock and lamb fat. We have the best fish in the world, and we know how to cook it." Fylgifiskar is a new-generation fish deli (marinating fishes await: salmon in mint and garlic, trout in Thai spices, Arctic char in coriander and sesame) that serves a daily lunch special."
![]() ![]() ![]() Galileó: Hafnarstræti 1-3 | 101 Reykjavík | Sími: 5529500 | Web: www.galileo.is. Galielo is an Italian restaurant and pizzeria, situated in the Falcon house, one of Reykjavik's oldest houses, right in the city center by Inghólftorg square. Items on the menu include Salmone "Li" (horseradish and redbeet gravel lax, brioche toast and aioli) and Intingdo di pesce (fishsoup, smoked haddock, and clams) in the starter department, Tagliatelle agli scampi (tagliatelle and lobster with tomatoes and garlic) and Linguini del Pescatore (linguini and tunafish with garlic, chili and capers) in the mains section. There are also plenty of pizzas, which probably makes it a hit with the pizzahappy Icelanders. They even have a lobster pizza at this restaurant, which should make it a hit with any lobsterhappy foreigners!
![]() ![]() ![]() Gallerý Fiskur: Nethyl 2 | 110 Reykjavík | Sími: 5872882 | Web: http://www.galleryfiskur.is. As this restaurant's official website reports: "Í Nethyl 2 rekur (is run) Gallery fiskur bæði verslun og veitingastað þar sem gæði og þjónustu er í fyrir rúmi. Á veitingastað okkar bjóðum við upp á um 40 rétti af matseðli auk ríkulegra hádegisverðartilboða ásamt súpu dagsins. Á veitingasaðnum geta gestir fengið sér sæti og valið af matseðli eða hringt á undan sér og tekið með rétti dagsins eða af seðli allt eftir því hver viljinn er. Veitingastaðurinn tekur einnig að sér að sjá um hópa smá sem stóra allt frá 15-60 manns með góðu móti í sæti og er boðið upp á glæsilega hópamatseðla. "Í verslun Gallerýs fisk er boðið daglega upp á mikið úrval ferskra fiskrétta unna upp úr fersku grænmeti (vegetables), veglegt úrval fersks fisks í flökum og heilu lagi í ísborði og frystivöru s.s. humar, rækjur, hörpuskel o.fl. "Hér á síðunni getur að líta verðlista nokkurra fisktegunda og rétta sem fást í versluninni Við leitumst við að veita sem víðtækasta þjónustu við viðskiptavininn. Sem dæmi um það undirbúum við t.d. veislukost frá grunni að veglegum fiskréttum og “kost” handa námsmönnum sem og öðrum Íslendingum búsettum erlendis, sem vilja geta fengið sér ferskan fiskbita fjarri heimahögum. ú getur einnig fengið heim með þér gómsæta fiskisúpu eftir pöntun." Prices range from 990Kr for Ýsuflök með roði to 1690Kr for Rauðspretta á risotto/cous-cous up to 2390Kr for the Saltfiskur á rösti. Which according to my limited understanding of Icelandic, means "roasted saltfish", although I am probably wrong.
![]() ![]() ![]() Gott í Gogginn: Laugavegi 2 | 101 Reykjavík | Sími: 552 4444. Heimasíða: Hótel Búðir, Snæfellsnesi. One Icelandic review wrote: "Nýju Búðir finnst mér alveg halda sama sjarma og Búðir sem brann. Kom í hádeginu og fékk mér franska lauksúpu, skötusel og súkkulaðiköku. Magnað og magnað pleis."
![]() ![]() ![]() Perlan Restaurant: Perlan | 101 Reykjavík | Sími: 562 0200 | Web: www.perlan.is/. The most famous building in Iceland, and home to one of the finest restaurants. The restaurant at the moment boasts three menus: the Gourmet Fish Menu, the Gourmet Wild Game Menu, and the A la Carte 2006 menu. If you choose the Gourmet Fish Menu (5,950 ISK) you will receive a spread of Cream Of Lobster (with Madeira and grilled lobster tails), smoked scallops with butter fried spring onions and cauliflower pure, fish fresh from the market, and a milk chocolate mousse. For 5,950 ISK the game menu will give you Salmon Tartar (with cream fraiche and scrambled eggs), smoked scallops, venison and the aforementioned milk chocolate mousse.
![]() ![]() ![]() Restaurant ZooBar: Klapparstígur 38 | 101 Reykjavík | Sími: 551 7760. Located in the same space as the old Pasta Basta. According to the intrepid Iceland Guest: "The cuisine at the RestaurantZooBar brings a strong breath of international flavour. The ambitious head chef, Jónas Ólafsson has for the last 15 years travelled throughout the world and both studied and practiced culinary art in different continents. His precious experience has gained him strong skillfulness and widespread reputation which is now unified with the reputation of The RestaurantZooBar. "As you can expect, the menu is enfolded with diverse food traditions from all over the world. Guests can choose between tempting and seasonal courses from countries such as France, Italy, Australia, Thailand along with creole-food from the southern states of USA. The ingredients are truly amazing. Apart from extraordinary sauces made from exotic fruits and vegetables, the raw-material is coming from animals such as ostriches, kangaroos, reindeers and many kinds of unfamiliar fish species. "Although the menu is diverse and international, the head chef Jónas, has not forgotten his origins as an icelander. One of the main specialties of the house is the traditional Sunday leg of a lamb which is served in whole piece with a brown sauce, sugar potatoes, homemade red cabbages, green peas and vegetables. It is only served for four people or more and it has to be ordered with a day in advance. "On weekends The RestaurantZooBar is pretty lively place. As the night turns on, the tables of the glass-house room are removed and the restaurant floor turns into a classic disco floor. The second floor changes into lounge room, with a laid-back ambience feeling. A VIP room on the top floor can also be arranged."
![]() ![]() ![]() Tapasbarinn: Vesturgata 3 | 101 Reykjavík | Sími: 551 2344. Tapasbarinn is an extremely lively restaurant where Spain meets Iceland in the cuisine. It is located in a cellar at Vesturgata 3 in Reykjavik's central. Eating tapas means dining without to much regard to rules and schedules and the menu shows that everything is possible. Tapasbarinn offers over 50 different meat, fish and vegetable dishes so you can take your time and experiment with many kinds of different dishes, which makes the dinner even more fun and enjoyable if you are with a group. But if you find it hard to choose you can order the special Tapas-selection. The restaurant has been open since the year 2000 and has become a popular place with the Icelandic crowd. It's breezy atmosphere and the Spanish effects in the decorations make Tapasbarinn ideal for an excellent evening.
![]() ![]() ![]() Tveir fiskar: Hafnarbúðir /Geirsgata 9 | 101 Reykjavík | Sími: 511 3474 | Web: www.restaurant.is/. This is one of the more famous seafood joints in Reykjavik, located near the city harbour, with a view over the marina. The name means literally "Two Fishes"... if you spend time in Iceland you might other restaurants with names like "Five Fishes" or "Three Something-Or-Another's" or "Four Blah Blah Blah's". If you have ever had a hankering for dolphin flesh, this could be one of the few places in the world you can upon it (although dolphin meat does make it accidentally into the Japanese whale meat market, or so I have been told.) Reykjavik's great Grapevine magazine reviewed Tveir Fiskar, and this is what they had to say: "As it turns out, raw dolphin carpaccio is really quite good. It was prepared just like the more traditional beef variety, and the combination of flavours was exciting but not as "different" as one might expect. The other starter, a bouillabaisse seafood soup, was good but a bit on the greasy side. This is a definite trend in Icelandic seafood cuisine of late, but excessive oil can sometimes make a soup too demanding to properly serve as a starter. "Our main courses were salted fish (bacalao) in almond and parmigiano crust with tomato vinaigrette, and lobster in garlic, respectively. The fish was quite different from what Icelanders think of when you say salted fish – and that is a very good thing indeed. The dish had a pronounced Mediterranean feel. The lobster, or langoustine for the purists, was served "the old way", according to the menu. That consists of garlic butter, various unnamed spices, and bread. Considering the ingredients and the class of the restaurant, the result was unsurprisingly delicious. "
![]() ![]() ![]() Þrír Frakkar: Reykjavik. A poster on The Amateur Gorumet visited this restaurant and wrote: "Another really nice restaurant in Reykjavik without such an extraordinary price tag but good whale dishes and a bust of Clark Gable is Þrír Frakkar. I heard another winter specialty (which I did not get to try because it was summer when I was there) is rotten skate. Someone once must have thought it a good idea to leave skate uncooled in a bucket in the garage for multiple weeks until it rots and ferments (why it even does this at subzero temps is beyond me...) and then eat it. Catch is, it reeks so terribly that people apparently don't dare take it inside the house. Garage picnic..."
![]() ![]() ![]() Veitingahúsið Lindin: 840 Laugarvatn | Sími: 4861262 | Web: www.laugarvatn.is. This restaurant is located about 100 kilometers east of Reykjavik, between Þingvellir and Gullfoss in the heart of Iceland's legendary Gullna hringsins (Golden Circle). Frá Reykjavík er styst að aka um Þingvelli en vegurinn frá Þingvöllum til Laugarvatns (Gjábakkavegur, Lyngdalsheiði) er ómalbikaður að hluta og aðeins fær á sumrin. Lengri leiðin liggur um suðurlandsveg, framhjá Hveragerði en beygt er veg nr. 37 áleiðis að Laugarvatni skömmu áður en komið er að Selfossi. Árið um kring er eru daglegar rútuferðir milli Reykjavíkur og Laugarvatns. This place is regarded as a "summer paradise" in Iceland, although it is open at some times during the winter. The menu includes wild game -- the Villibráðaveisla– (wild game offer) goes for 3990Kr. Other dishes include starters like the Hreindýrapâté með fersku salati og rifsberja vinaigrette (reindeer pâté with fresh salad and redcurrant vinaigrette --it goes for between 950Kr-1350Kr), Steiktur silungur með graslauk og möndlum (panfried trout with chive and almond -- 2190Kr), and Pönnusteiktar langvíubringur með bláberja-púrtvínssósu (panfried guillemot with blueberry-portwine sauce -- 2990Kr).
![]() ![]() ![]() Vín & Skel: Laugavegur 55 | 101 Reykjavík | Sími: 534 4700 | Web: www.vinogskel.is/. Vín og Skel (Wine & Shell) is literally what you get at this establishment -- the place is a tribute to the humble shellfish, and you can drink wine as you eat. There are oysters from France, clams from Peru, mussels from Ireland and lobster and scallops from the heaving seas of Iceland. According to one report, the shellfish soup is tasty and delicious. Meatcourse is chicken cassoulet which is simular to the world famous cock au vine. A main course of Kræklingur ("mussels") costs 1990Kr. The main saltfish dish goes for 2890Kr. and if you are not troubled by the thought of eating cetaceans, try the Splunkunýtt Hrefnukjöt "Teriyaki" (teriyaki Minke whale), priced at 2340Kr.
++Asian Restaurants++++Bistros++ ++Brasseries++++'Burgers++++Cafes++++Hot Dogs++++Hotel Restaurants++++Gourmet Restaurants++++Icelandic Home Cooking++++Italian Restaurants++++Whale Restaurants++ ![]()