GÜNTHER GROSS (profile: Montana-born, 41, divorced) stuck his
head around the doorway and bawled: <<Yo Paul, quittin' time.
You ready?>> It was late afternoon, and grey Californian rain was railing against the windows.
Paul Luszeit grinned and swung his feet down from his
desk. He gave one last, cursory glance to the file he
had been reading and stood up.
<<Sure, what the hell... it's Friday.>> He
gestured the windstorm of papers on his desk. <<But these
aren't going anywhere.>>
Günther grinned. <<OK, so let's go already.>> He was a big man, as his name suggested, and he had the assertive character to match. <<We've got a lot of beers to drink tonight.>>
<<Okay, I'm moving>> Paul said, picking up his heartshaped phone. <<I
just have to check my machine.>>
Day frowned as Luszeit dialled his home phone
number. <<You still getting those hang-ups?>>
<<Yeah>> Luszeit nodded as he punched in his
replay code. <<Every day now, but only during
the week - in the daytime or when I'm not home. Never
when I'm there.>>
<<Weird>> Day said. <<Like whoever's doing this
knows your schedule, huh?>>
<<Yeah, something else to worry about.>> Luszeit listened
for a long moment, punched in his ending code and hung up.
Günther broke, a facewide flush. <<Finally gave up?>>
Luszeit shook his head. <<No, there was another one... if you were into choirboys, I'd
have let you listen.>>
think this guy would've figured out by now you're a heterosexual male and moved on already.>>
Luszeit was uncharacteristically abrupt. He was
uncomfortable talking about this with anyone, even in the light of Day.
<<You know, Mark, you have an unbelievable nose for
the obvious. Why assume it's a guy? As it happens, it's
a woman doing the breathing. The voice is sort of husky
and loud, but it was definitely female.>>
<<Next time she rings, give her my number>> Day quipped.

THR0WBACK and other characters copyright Robert Sullivan 1996-2002.