MANY TEST takers neglect to prepare for the Reading Test, assuming that it will be easier than other components.
In my opinion, that is a mistake. There are 14 types of questions and you need to prepare for each one.
It can be useful to do open-book exercises, where you can see the answers as you try to answer the questions.
Cue Prompter is an online tool to help increase reading skills.
It is said you need to know about 7000 to 10,000 words of English to score 7.0 in IELTS.
TYPES OF QUESTIONS: Identifying the writer's views.
A variety of questions are used, chosen from the following types: multiple choice, identifying information, identifying writer’s views/claims, matching information, matching headings, matching features, matching sentence endings, sentence completion, summary completion, note completion, table completion, flow-chart completion, diagram label completion, short-answer questions.
Among other things, the IELTS reading test requires a large vocabulary. How large does it need to be? Some say about 7000 words. Keep in mind that you need to know 6000 words to watch a movie in English and understand it.
To measure your own vocabulary and find works, both fictional and non-fictional, appropriate for your age, visit this website.
This website also contains vocabulary lists of the 10,000 most important words in English. You could export them to Trello or Anki, to help you remember them.
If you get stuck on one questions, move on to the next one and come back to it later.
IT IS recommended to skim passages before answering questions.
Skimming is actually more difficult than you may imagine. There is a definite technique to focus on. If mastered, however, it can allow you to read up to 1000 words per minute.
Read the title first. Also, read the introduction and first paragraph completely. After that, read the first sentence of each following paragraph, because that is where you will usually find the main idea of that paragraph.
However, sometimes the writer may start the paragraph with an anecdote, and it will be hard to tell the difference between the main idea of a paragraph, and the supporting details. Usually the supporting details tell about the main idea, while the main idea tells about the whole paragraph.
Some keywords are easy to find, others are more subtle.

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