Glossary for the Cassius Croon Implosion

00s: The decade from 2000 to 2009, often referred to as the "Noughties".

Al Aqsa Mosque: Golden mosque built on top of the former Temple of the Israelites in Jerusalem. Al-Aqsa Mosque is considered a global flashpoint due to its religious and geopolitical significance. The mosque is located in the Old City of Jerusalem, which is considered holy by Jews, Christians, and Muslims.

Amphibian: A popular youth subculture of the early Anthropocene Epoch who were fascinated by the amphibian kingdom, in particular its ability to metamorphize from larvae to adult form, and to inhabit multiple environments, and as a symbol of phase shifting. Some of the Amphibians goals were to locate and revive Atlantis as an aquatic city, or at the very least establish a floating Utopia (along Sea Steading lines). They were as fascinated by the sea as opposed to the skies, like the Avians.

Anthropocene Epoch: While proponents argue that the Anthropocene began during the Industrial Revolution in the late 18th century AD, as it marked a significant increase in human-induced changes to the environment. It was given a starting point in honor of the ending of the Mayan Calendar in 2012AD. However, there is ongoing scientific debate regarding the precise starting point of the Anthropocene and whether it should be formally recognized as a new epoch within the geological time scale. It marked the beginning of planetary consciousness, global governance and human evolution from the animal to angelic kingdoms. Paradoxically, as human consciousness became larger, its subjective sense of time slowed, meaning that ages were now epochs.

Ayahuasca: Ayahuasca is a plant-based psychedelic brew that has been used for centuries by indigenous people in the Amazon basin for healing and spiritual purposes. The brew is typically made by boiling the ayahuasca vine (Banisteriopsis caapi) and the leaves of the chacruna plant (Psychotria viridis) together, producing a potent liquid that contains the psychoactive compound DMT (dimethyltryptamine).

Balrone: One of the most important worlds of the Human Empire before the Terra-Soosagin War.

Brane: Short for "membrane", a theoretical construct in physics that represents a higher-dimensional object where some of the dimensions are compactified or curled up. In string theory, for example, branes are thought to play a key role in describing the behavior of fundamental particles. In brane cosmology, our universe is viewed as a three-dimensional brane embedded in a higher-dimensional bulk space.

Chloro: Movement and utopia centered upon environmentalism, anti-materialism and anti-globalism. Collectivist, Maoist, and pro-indigenous. Connected with a genre of electronic dance music based on Goan trance, and characterized by its psychedelic, hypnotic and energetic sound, and often featuring repetitive rhythms, melodic hooks, and synthesized sounds.

Cobalt: Cobalt is a hard, brittle metal with a high melting point of 1,495°C (2,723°F). It is magnetic and retains its magnetism at higher temperatures than iron, making it useful in magnetic applications. Represents the next stage of the universal element in its evolution from hydrogen to carbon, and then silicon.

Cresswell Corporation: Subsidiaries including Utopian Fabrications Unlimited (UFU).

Cybernesia: Virtual Reality established by Cheung Li and Brett Weir.

Dabke: Traditional folk dance and music originating from the Levant region in the Eastern Mediterranean, particularly in countries such as Lebanon, Syria, Palestine, and Jordan.

Dreamtime Continuum: The imaginary cosmos which includes within it, the brane of our current Spacetime Continuum.

Dream Walker: An initiate who has gained the ability to navigate Dreamtime and shift their reality to a different brane.

Drum'n'Bass: a genre of electronic dance music that originated in the United Kingdom during the early 1990s. It is characterized by fast breakbeats (usually between 160-180 beats per minute), heavy basslines, and intricate drum patterns.

Free Malay State: With a capital in Singapore, this nascent state controls much of the south-east Asia and Australasia. New colonies are established in northern Australia (permaculture), with the dream of turning the deserts green. Colonists also spread into the Pacific and Indian oceans and even the frozen shores of Antarctica, and have become famous for their floating cities.

Gabba: A style of electronic dance music that originated in the Netherlands in the early 1990s. It is characterized by fast, pounding beats (usually between 150 and 200 beats per minute), distorted basslines, and aggressive vocal samples.

Gaian Alphabet: .

Galactic Year: Also known as a cosmic year or galactic period, the time needed for the Sun (or any other celestial body) to complete one orbit around the center of its galaxy. It is analogous to the concept of a year on Earth, but on a much larger scale. In the case of our Milky Way galaxy, a galactic year is estimated to be roughly 225-250 million Earth years. At the scale of galactic consciousness, the star named Sol is a planet and Terra a moon.

Generation 00: Also known as Millennials, the generation which followed Generation X. The birth years for this generation generally range from the early 1980s to the mid-1990s to early 2000s.

Glam Corporation: Dutch cosmetic corporation acquired in 2001 by the Crewell Corporation group, a global fashion and media conglomerate.

Intifada: Arabic word that translates to "uprising" or "resistance" in English. It is commonly used to refer to two Palestinian uprisings against Israeli occupation and control of Palestinian territories.

Keitai: Japanese for mobile phone.

Stanley Ipkiss: Fictional character and the protagonist of the comic book series The Mask, created by writer John Arcudi and artist Doug Mahnke. Ipkiss is a shy, mild-mannered bank clerk who finds a mysterious mask that transforms him into a wild and crazy alter ego known as "The Mask." When Stanley wears the mask, he becomes a green-faced, zoot-suited prankster with cartoonish abilities and a penchant for mayhem. The mask gives him superhuman strength, speed, and agility, as well as the ability to shapeshift, stretch his limbs, and summon various cartoonish weapons.

Lotus Crystal: The dimensionless, eternal core of unlimited energy which occupies the center of the Universe. It is variously associated with the resurrection of Jesus Christ in Christianity, creation and rebirth in Ancient Egypt, and harmony and balance in Taoism. The Hindu goddess Lakshmi, who represents prosperity and good fortune, is often depicted sitting on a lotus flower, which is symbolizes spiritual enlightenment and is a symbol of the divine.

The Lotus Temple, at the Center of Nothing

Nowever: Hypothetical sixth dimensional state of Space/Time, proposed by Japanese agrophysicist Dr. Ichiro Sato to explain such phenomena as astrology, the "collapse of history" which became apparent from the 1970s, and ancient prophecies like the Mayan Long Count. According to Dr Sato, time is not a straight one-dimensional line as commonly accepted, but rather a three-dimensional structure similar to a conch. While space expands until infinity, time contracts into an infinitely small space. The second dimension of time was curved, in a spiral shape, which after a significant number of cycles, traces out a conch-shape in 3rd Dimensional time. Rotations of the spiral can be noticed in coincidences, patterns which repeat over time, cycles, fractals and so on, in fixed and regular intervals of linear time..

Post Mayan Calendar (PMC): A hypothetical three-dimensional rendering of time proposed by Dr Sato, and adopted following the dawning of transBranic consciousness around the world in the early 21st Century. Unlike a linear calendar, the PMC attempts to chart time like a map. Places, people and events can span branes although they are not locally perceived the same way. The explosion which Julian Offer witnessed in Antarctica (The Cassius Croon Implosion ("The Queen of Sheen")) was but one face of the supernova which was seen by Paul in First Contact ("The Death of a Star"). While happening at the same universal "instant", there was a distance of 13 years between their respective calendars.

Time can also function differently within the brane depending on the state of the observer. As Ouspensky suggested, time moves faster for smaller entities and slows down depending upon their mass. Heightened states of consciousness, such as those produced by ingestion of psychedelic drugs, can also cause a time dilation effect. Enlightened souls are able to rapidly skim though the infinity of parallel universes and move their center of being to one where conditions are most favorable. Thus, they are able to perform miraculous feats such as dodging bullets or surviving suicide bombings.

Quantum Leap: "Quantum Leap" is an American science fiction television series that originally aired from 1989 to 1993 on NBC. Created by Donald P. Bellisario, the show starred Scott Bakula as Dr. Sam Beckett, a physicist who becomes the main character in a time-travel experiment gone wrong. Dean Stockwell co-starred as Al Calavicci, his friend and guide.

Riptide: A style of Drum'n'Bass music characterized by fast, complex rhythms, atmospheric sound effects, and breakbeats (a type of drum pattern that originated in hip hop music).

Rupert Murdoch: Australian-born media mogul and billionaire, and founder and executive chairman of News Corporation, a global media conglomerate that includes newspapers, television networks, publishing houses, and other media properties. After the Gaian Intervention he fled the Earth, on board the New Ark built by Jacky Tung.

Screenplay: A variation of Cosplay or gameplay, in which participants act out scenes from their favorite movies. This might have been a reaction against heavyhanded censorship laws, in which corporations and other entities tried to patent control of phrases and even individual words.

Simulacra: (Plural: simulacrum). In the philosophy of Jean Baudrillard, a copy or imitation of something that appears to be real but lacks the substance or essence of the original. According to Baudrillard, simulacra are not just copies of reality but have become substitutes for reality, taking on a life of their own and creating a hyperreality that replaces the real.

Straight: (North American slang) Cool, dope, def; also, yes.

Sub Magazine: Magazine based in San Francisco, California, focusing on subcultures and memetic issues.

Terran Reckoning: An alternative name for the calendar based on the Anthropocene Epoch, which became popular as humans moved offworld. Also known as Gaian Reckoning, to mark the period of upheaval which resulted in the breaking of the pact that humanity had made with Gaia.

Terran Space Authority (TSA): Global space agency formed in 42AE from a merger of NASA, JAXA and the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO).

Thangka: Traditional Tibetan Buddhist paintings that are typically produced on cotton or silk, and are often used as a meditation aid, a teaching tool, or a visual representation of Buddhist deities, symbols, and teachings.

Totem: Symbol or object that represents a particular clan or group. The totem can be an animal, plant, or other natural object that is believed to have a special connection with the group's ancestral spirits or supernatural powers.

Utopianism: The first antipolitical movement of human history, which sought the reversal of globalization and the fracturing of colonial states into organic, tribal, decentralized personal interest or identity groupings. Solidarity was shunned, pragmatism praised, and the ideal society was said to be a union of two. However, since people are generally not able to provide for all of their own needs, temporary alliances were allowed to give strength to the individual. Paradoxically, some of the first Utopias were collectivist, such as the Fractal Rainbow Utopia, which boasted more than 130 million citizens in 48AE scattered across more than 120 conventional nations, and with its own flag, parliament and police force.

Waluralla: City in the Northern Territory of Australia, inside the Special Economic Zone.

Zero Point: Between energy and matter, time and space, life and death lies the null point of Consciousness, which is eternally present, can look forward or backwards, learns from its experiences, and can even look sideways if it is evolved enough. Consciousness is the only state of being which can exist without its opposite. The Zero Point is the gateway to phase shifting from one scale to another, planetary consciousness to solar consciousness, and thence to galactic awareness, and vice versa.

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