BOOK 1: Final Countdown
Chapter 1: Can't Take You Anywhere
<<A HUMUNGOUS CLARION CALL TO ALL THE HEY-HEY CHAPS IN THE EARSHOT TONIGHT, ALL THE STRIFE SPECIALISTS. Stoke up the coals for this one! We're taking you downside on a Riptide ride...>>
Way back then in the mid-60s when Hugh Heffner conceptualized the bachelor pad: if you took that ideal and gave it a black slant, threw in a few Zebra-skin rugs and illicit ivory... that would be a pretty close approximation of Cassius Croon's London place. He was lying on leopard skin listening to leopard skin tunes when Mr Catheter came around to see him.
<<What the... >> Croon roused from a Riptide reverie. <<Hey man, you can't just walk straight in here. >>
<<Spare me the theatrics >> Catheter said. <<I understand you haven't had a case in six months. Ample time to "chill out", as you might say. >>
No, that's what you're meant to say, Croon thought. And you've got to say it with feeling! He said: <<Let me guess: INTCEN 1. Senior MI5, a survivor of amalgamation, therefore an advocate of privatization. >>
According to screenplay etiquette, Mr Catheter's response should have been a hearty <<Check out the brain on Brad! 2>> But Catheter wasn't big on etiquette, so he said as if it were another century:
<<Listen, I know this hardly the British gentlemanly thing. Then again, what does Brussels know about the British gentlemanly thing? These are new days, unfortunately, and there are new ways for the new days. Let's blame it on New Labour. >>
And Croon, because he was bored enough, listened to the old fool ponce his way through a half-baked kidnapping scheme in Germany, feigned moral outrage regarding certain aspects of the Second World War, constant references to the "EurObjective". Croon said <<So you basically want me to abduct some cat who played lab-mice with the Jews? >>
<<My dear sir >> Catheter turning all prudish and serious here <<you understand more than anyone how millennial anxiety is pushing many cultures into endgame mode. The Abrahamic religions are of particular concern. Look at the Middle East. The Israelis are furious they had to give up East Jerusalem. The Arabs, meanwhile, are close to rebellion over their expulsion from the Mosque of Al-Aqsa. Both sides are armed to the teeth... possibly with atomics. We have to distract them or else there will be war. >>
<<I'm not doing your PR >> Croon said. <<They should have told you how I feel about that one. >>
<<Mr Croon, we can compromise. The European Community prides itself on its neutrality in this dispute. This stunt is merely intended to show we care... to show the world cares for the Jewish dilemma. It's an act of brotherhood. Meanwhile, when you're off netting the Nazi we'll be promoting a new Arabian patriot. For the amount we're paying for it, they ought to bloody deify him! >>
Croon laughed then, imaging the prospect of a New Islamic Prophet. Fucking hell, I'd like to see that he thought. He'd trample these geeks into the sand, that's for sure.
<<You'll have to look after Joey while I'm gone >> he conceded.
Chapter 2: The 70s Never Died, it Just Smells that Way
THE YEAR WAS 2008AD (-3Terran Reckoning), AND THE WORLD WAS IN THE THROES OF ANOTHER 70s REVIVAL. Nobody knew exactly when, much less why, it all began. The first Magda Maria heard of it was watching The Chucky Poong Show one night when some moviestar dropped the word “cat". Two weeks later, surfing the Pepsi Cola Virtual Amazon, she bumped into a boatload of Parisians dressed in velour. Another two weeks after that, on business to Baltimore, she saw her first Afro in more than five years.
From that point on, the trickle became a flood. Kitsch furniture and lame vests sprang up everywhere. Airline hostesses started wearing platform shoes.
<<That Iishi's a creep>> Goa said. They were at work at the convention centre, handing mail and keys to guests. <<I can't believe you're still with him.>>
<<I just want to toy with him for a while. I'm going to play one more trick on him, to really fuck with his head.>>
So, she died her skin white and put on a blonde wig and wore a number which would
have shamed most of North Africa. She dabbed herself with a scent "engineered from synthetic blue whales", plucked her eyelashes and went to Iishi's hair salon.
In the waiting room they were playing a derivative of the Chucky Poong Show, a
Vietnamese guy with a sufficiently poor grasp of English. Magda watched Iishi instead... along
with half the waiting room. <<He's so gorgeous>> one of the guys said.
<<You're wearing the scent of musk>> he said. <<Made from the glands of blue whales. It's very mellow.
<<Brings out the animale in male>> Maria said... But unfortunately, Maria wasn't the only one going undercover that day. Without further ado, Iishi slipped a hand down her shampoo gown, made a tentative paw for her breasts. Maria flinched, terrified. She elbowed him in the face; he backed away, blushing.
The ladies room door opened, and out of the sterile expanse beyond vaulted this odd Japanese chick with spiky red hair. She somersaulted clear across the room, dispersing patrons with a withering scream, freezing every chopstick in the fucking place. 15 rotations and she landed next to Iishi in his spotlight, ripping the microphone from his hands as part of her dismount.
He’s the only baby in this room she thought. That is, he's the hunter! And smiling to myself, she did some finger clicking of her own... and that was how Iishi the Barber’s downfall began.
Chapter 3: Michael Jackson's 50th Birthday Party
WHEN MICHAEL JACKSON ANNOUNCED THAT HE WOULD SHORTLY BE CELEBRATING HIS 50th BIRTHDAY WITH A party of special magnificence, there was much talk and excitement in Hollywood.
There were some who shook their heads and thought this was too much of a good thing; it seemed unfair that anyone should possess (apparently) perpetual youth as well as (reputedly) inexhaustible wealth.
<<It will have to be paid for >> they said. <<It isn't natural, and trouble will come of it. >>
But so far trouble had not come of it, not unless you counted the recurring allegations of child abuse, the business with his collapsing face and the bounty on his head by the Reformed Black Panthers. Jackson released a new album every three years, promoted them with ever-more outrageous global concert tours, got married about twice as often.
Iten there was the Iishi factor. While the courtship had
proceeded smoothly, she couldn't help but worry here and there about his motives. After all, he was the stylist for the stars, and she was just a hopeful bum. Like what was in it for him?

THAT SUMMER IN CALIFORNIA everyone was talking about the theft of Zha Zha and Gabor, the two biggest attractions at San Diego Zoo. It was the robbery of the century: one night the brigands landed a helicopter in the panda enclosure, disabled security with a rocket launcher and flew off towards the Mexican frontier. When Mexican forces intercepted the chopper near Tijuana there were neither pandas nor crew on board. The authorities later realized they had probably parachuted out over American territory but by that time, the trail was cold.
JACKSON HADN'T BEEN SEEN for all of 2008, his 50th year. Some people said he had finally lost it and gone full recluse, snuggled away with his oxygen sleeping tank and clone-of-Bubbles and all the other bullshit. Some people claimed he was dead. Still others proposed he had been abducted by aliens who figured he'd be more at home on their planet than this one. Jackson's spokespeople were denying all of the above.
Chapter 4: Blink 2618
STORM THORGARTEN WAS YOUR CLASSIC PRUSSIAN CRANK - RESERVED, DISCIPLINED, AND ORDERLY, AND HAVING NO life aside from his work. He was outwardly happy all the same, in his small world, with few friendships and only a daughter from his first marriage, Bäbel, to share his evenings with. Nobody could quite remember how Bäbel got her name, perhaps because it was from the Old Testament when God had balls and wasn't afraid to use Them to teach humanity a lesson.
Storm worked as a research scientist for Creswell Corporation's Hamburg subsidy, specializing in electronic products. They had been hesitant to take him on five years ago as he seemed overqualified for the position and talked a bit too eagerly about some fanciful ideas of his own. Nevertheless, Storm proved he was both methodical and dedicated, able to reign in his natural curiosity and lead his team in developing marketable products along the company's lines.
What's needed Thorgarten mused is some private way to test this thing without legal or ethical liability. Then the perfect plan emerged one morning in the bathroom -- Mac the cat, 70s love child, would be the ideal subject! Storm had a prototype of the light at home which he had assembled and updated concomitant with work at the lab. Carefully, he placed the apparatus over Mac who lounged in shameless luxury on the couch and watched GOOD MORNING, AMERICA. But Tom was hardly prepared for the result.
In the corner of the room, a black fur ball with a splotchy orange tail raised its head from the floor and mewed plaintively. It shook itself, bounded out, and raced across the room, burying its claws affectionately in his leg.
Subliminal hypnosis, using a code of 2618 to unlock the third eye.
Chapter 5: Tha Elementz of Noize (Hedione #6 Edit)
Meen E kicked the door open with a resounding BOOM!, grabbed the Middle-Class Clone by his Lacoste shirt and tossed him across the room. <<Yo bro, get set to satisfy your fix for my funkin' new snakeoil called Hedione #6. >>
Clone stacked back on an antique oak or something wine rack, whacked head THWACK!
into a model railway track. <<I just knew you'd fall for
it! >> Meen E cracked. Clone groped stunned for his phone so Dark stomped hard on his hand and intoned: <<I know a show bro like yo might be shy of some door-to-door pro but this Hedione #6 is so fly, and so high in the sky,
baby you're just gonna have to fucking know! >>
Homes crawled over the floor snailing a trail of blood, tooth and nail. <<Oo... are oo?>> he moaned. E smiled:
the little worm was almost totally defiled. Picture the gore: finally, home from a grueling day of corporate war, chillin' with a beer and the soothing strains of a Chopin score, then
there's this knocking on the door, then there's this knocking on the door, maybe it's the
wife back from shopping at the store. But you open the door and notice a fatal flaw: some thing in a Darth Vader mask's clubbing you to the fucking floor! <<Take the money, take the jewels! >> you now implore, but this
monster only laughs and rasps: <<I
don't want no charity, I'm here to repay a
score! >>
Clubbing the crone in a metered four-four, about to tirade against the white man's law, Meen E remembered the Clockwork Orange film he'd only recently saw. He decided to change the tact of his attack. His skulltipped ebony staff, which hitherto he'd been swinging like an Industrial Light and Magic saber, mutated into a more appropriate weapon: a British gentleman's cane.
<<My dear
sir >> in the best Queen's English he can
manage on such short notice <<I'm
sure you're very impressed with the product Glam is selling tonight. But here's the best
part, sir: it's free! That's right, Melatonin 06, with a reputation developed from decades of research, doesn't cost a single penny. >>
<<Oo... oo are oo?>> the codger spluttered. And Meen E kicked him in the head and screamed,
<<Are you going to fucking take
it? >> <<Es,
es>> the codger said.
<<And a very wise investment you'll find it I'm sure >> Meen E said.
<<In business, however (and I'm sure
you'll agree) you can't get something for nothing, even if it's advertised as such... and in
this case, my droog, a donation is expected, just to help us continue our fine line of
merchandise. After all, everyone has to make a sacrifice for The System now and
then. >>
<<Oo... oo are
And as E swung his cane to a soundless Ludwig Van melody a bloodsplattered
microphone dangled quietly from his waist.
<<Look, I know a show bro like yo
<<MAN, THIS PLACE IS arduous >>Meen E told the monstrous crowd at the Terrordrome about an hour later. He was freshly changed into black jeans and a T-shirt and had swapped his Darth Vader mask for something far more contemporary: a cheap
plastic effigy of Michael Jackson’s official missing person profile. The crowd replied with
boos and jeers of "Straight!", sharing the DJ's euphoria: the Terradrome was the dopest
venue in California, and Meen still couldn't believe he was playing there.
<<Voodoo nation prepare to get your education! >> he cried and the polka beat of the
opening song, DecaDance, erupted from the speakers. Ace NiceGuy, hands a blur over
his Atari Cassiopeia, began bouncing synthetic bass melodies and piano chords off the
polka, then hijacked the polka chain itself and sharpened the harmonics, stretched out the
wave lengths so it started to sound sinister, metallic, a cocaine nightmare. Over the top of
it all he then played the sample of a preacher turned politician blaming youth promiscuity
and the break-up of the family unit for increased crime levels. The crowd surged against
the stage, stomping and fist-raising in robotic defiance. The beat froze briefly before Meen, with hair-trigger rancor, began his supersonic assault on the dictatorship of the White:
<<Been around the world, from Baghdad to Grenada.
Peace out to my brothers in Hamas and the PLO and Al Qaeda.
That's right, I'm down with the suicide crew, and we don't give no quarter.
We bring the heat from the streets to export Jihad and slaughter."
By the time Max Volume, Dark's lyrical foil, sang the Motown-style chorus the crowd was
going berserk. Meen handed Ace a tape and said: <<Some wrong samples you can work in at the end. >> Max V paused for the second sample of the preacher - "Young people today have to realise that their unhappiness is caused not by society or the government but simply by their rejection of God" - which the crowd repelled with cheers and golf
applause. A spotlight swung on to Meen. <<This is our war," he cried, arms outstretched. <<This is our... DecaDance!"
<<Oh, it was just something I whipped up," Meen confessed. <<Ay, y'all feel the power we brought out there? That crowd would've done anything we commanded. Like yo bro's, let's riot, let's bop, let's skin a motherfucking cop! >>
There was a knock at the door and two Asian execs walked in.
<<Chill dudes >> the first one said, and offered Meen his hand. <<Kim
Sun. This is my brother Moon. We caught your gig. It was, how do I say it? - leary
fucked. >>
Meen thought: Are these guys for real?
<<I must try harder to keep up with
fashion >> he said <<because I didn't know paisley ties were back in style now. >>
Kim laughed, giving Moon a look which said, And he's charming, too. How marketable! <<I'm sorry, I should have explained," he said handing Matt a card with the
words Sun Records embossed in gold type. <<We're not normal fans, although we do dig you immensely. I
suppose you've heard of us."
<<Yeah," the rapper said. "They say the sun always seems to shine on your
musical endeavors. >>
Kim laughed again, a flash of crooked teeth. <<Let's hope so. Anyway, we've definitely heard of you, and we like what we hear. What you blayed out there was
incredible, gudding-edge, 21st century music. Never before heard in America. The bublig
will gag for it. >>
<<Are you, like, offering us
some sort of deal? >> Max asked.
Max started hollering like an excited kid. Ace, more restrained, just said:
<<Straight, man. Maximum
straightness. >> E didn't react at all.
<<And man, those samples >>
Kim said <<breathtaking. >>
The door crashed open again and the middle-aged manager of the club, blinged in gold watch, bracelet and ring, burst in lugging a digital radio. <<Have you heard the news? >> he asked, flustered. <<The Darkside killer struck again. Beat some poor guy to death just three blocks from here. >>
The door crashed open again and the middle-aged manager of the club, adorned in
gold watch, bracelet and ring, came in with a Web radio. "Have you heard the news?" he
said. “The Darkside killer struck again. Beat some poor guy to death just three blocks
from here.”
<<Are you ready to take a
walk on the DarkSide, Sun? >> Meen E asked and laughed.

SPEAKING OF ASSUMED IDENTITY, one day soon someone's going to make a movie about Matt Egan's strange and secret double triple life, probably with Zambia Booyaka playing the lead role, all bitter and misguided, a 21st century James Dean, and Cleopatra C as his haunting opposite, and to please the masses they'll eventually have some dope sex in a hijacked helicopter gunship. In this movie, Unmask the Mask would be a good name, the three months following the Terrordrome gig would be expressed in montage. Dominant paths would involve the unit prancing around studios in front of video crews, CD singles of DecaDance flooding over record store counters, a Rodeo Drive hooker found fucked to death in an abandoned Saab, the chaps posing as West African militia on The Chucky Poong Show, a LA merchant banker choking to death on money stuffed down his throat, DecaDance number one, Meen E number one.
What's That Noise? was his next single and to help sell it Meen took the unit on a quick national tour climaxing in a massive outdoor concert at Hollywood Bowl. Actually, Dark's climax happened on the way to concert, when he was interviewed by respected Sub journalist Elana Siddharta.
<<To say you came out of nowhere is a cliché >> Elana, hard and beautiful in grease-stained overalls, said as the limo turboboosted down the highway, "but so far it's been the only way to describe your phenomenal rise to fame. After only one single you're already being dubbed a one-man Public Enemy. The amazing thing is, we don't know a thing about you. What I'm trying to say brother is this: you're a god-damn jack-in-the-box. Where are the hell have you sprung from?"
<<To say you came out of
nowhere is a clichElt;small> >> Elana, hard and beautiful in grease-stained overalls, said as the limo
slammed on down the highway.
<<But so far it's been the only way to
describe our phenomenal rise to stardom. After only one single you're being dubbed the
Warren G of the 00s, but despite the marketing nobody seems to understand the hype.
What I'm trying to say brother is this: you're a god-damn jack-in-the-box. Where are the
hell have you sprung from? >>
"Laydee if I'm a jack-in-the-box I'm one of those demonic ones, like outta Stephen King movie or something. I'm a menace to the people. I symbolize the darkness of the human heart."
Elana recognised the reference: Michael Mann's 1983 horror film, The Keep. "And, you're not so dark," she teased. "That DecaDance, that's a fricking polka!"
"It's a virulent attack on the repressive social apparatus," the Meenster said. He liked the third word so much he repeated it into Elana's Walkman, r's a-rolling: "Majorrrr virrrrulence in da place..."
"You could call it virulence; I'd call it silliness. And what's with this suit, man? You're dressed just like Boss Hog."
<<Woman, you obviously
don't understand the destructive power of irony. I'm like stealing the things white people
find sacred, fucking wit' them and throwing them back in their face. >>
<<Man, you're only stealing
yourself. You're playing with tactics you don't understand. Eg, this limousine. Where's
the black homeland in that in that? >>
<<This reeks >> Meen E
<<Reek's a valley term," Elana said.

to the streets after the concert. He was in the area anyway and he had a few addresses so
he decided to head to Beverly Hills. Specifically, he was out for oreos - black people
trying to be white. After a bit of procrastination he settled on a middle-age Eddie Murphy.
Meen had never forgiven Murphy for his role in the 2004 film, Beverly Hills Cop 4. In the movie Murphy had come out of retirement to investigate several black deaths in custody the Hollywood hills. While he busted the guilty cops, Murphy also used his infamous foul mouth to quell a mounting innercity riot. The moral of the story was that peaceful resistance was always preferable to violence. Meen considered this sentiment -
ironically - to be more violent than any Schwarzenegger film, because it trapped oppressed peoples behind prefabricated walls of decency.
Murphy lay on the floor, stomach leaking into the carpet and his bitch hollering for mercy in the hallway. Now for the piece de resistance. It was time for the result of this assault. Meen ripped Murphy’s jeans from off of his waist, bent him over doggystyle and rammed a banana up his ass.
<<Hahaha," he laughed, "you just fell for the banana in the tailpipe gag!"

The homeboy levelled his machine gun on to the businessmen.
<<Will someone talk reason into this
man? >> Sun said, but Moon's face was desolate and pale.
<<For God's sake, we own this
studio. >>
<<Throw this yellow trash out
on the street >> Meen E commanded.

THE DAY OF THE FILMING found Meen E riding the streets of his homeland in a camouflaged jeep. There was a close-up of Meen in the back with a machine gun and ammo necklace, pampered by two attractive shorties in flack-jacket bras and camouflaged shorts. Meen rapped: <<You won't
hold us down another day / Now it's time for white to pay >> then the shot panned out to show the another day he was talking about: 14-year-old dealers working the pavement with mobile phones and sparkling Adidas, 16-year-old girls selling their innocence to finance them, drunks in the
gutters with sad eyes and downtrodden hearts. The crowd was further complicated by
gangs tribes in their contrasting colours, tribal rivalries fighting it out beneath the sprawling soCal sun. Police cars were everywhere. Occasionally, a gun was discharged.
Chapter 2: The Queen of Sheen
<<THIS IS BIZARRE>> JULIAN OFFER, seconded snow slave, said poking a gloved finger into one of the holes. They were all about two centimeters across and almost perfectly round. “How could they have formed? I couldn't have done it cleaner with a power drill.”
“Whatta ya talking about, power drill?” Dean Coombes, slumped back in the
driver's seat, said sharply. He was too busy staring up at the turbulent Antarctic sky to worry
about no holes in a tiny geological probe. “It was jist a storm.”
Julian orbited the probe, a telephone box on a little tripod (or so it looked to
perceptual systems weathered by 12 weeks of black rock outcrops and ice). Some of its panels had been torn off and lay dragging tangles of wire in the wind but Julian was more interested in the holes. There were so many of them, pock-marked over every wall. “Maybe a storm came up, that could explain the panels. But what about the holes? All perfectly round. The probe's turned into a sieve!”
<<What else happened, the Chinese came and slugged it full of lead?” Dean laughed at the sky. “C'mon, we've assessed the damage. I'm sick of you slowing me up.”
He started revving the sled's engine.
<<But the holes,” Julian said, “and this is the second probe fucked over this month.”
<<We'll get a crew from Tuggera to repair it and that'll be it. I don't know why they
don't just whack a mine up straight. Come on, let's go!”
Julian looked back anxiously at the cheese-grater probe. “Oh... okay. This is so
“You're fucking bizarre mate.”
IT WAS FRIDAY, the social highlight of the week, when a man aching from physical labor in the bitter polar wind could take off his parka, put on a video of the footy and get stuck into a case of piss flown all the way from Australia. By 8pm things were getting pretty
rowdy in the common room. Julian didn't like Friday nights that much but they were after
all the only outlet he had; sick of lying around in the sleeping quarters he walked into the
common room just to say hello. He crept in wearing a shiny spider silk shirt, hid
next to the flickering TV. He opened a bottle of Gueuze beer, which had been flown all the way from Belgium, and sipped nervously.
<<It's so easy to come up with Aboriginal jokes>> Nathan Maguire, head of the Limited Mining in the Cape Poinsett Environment Impact Study (EIS) and now Tuggera, was saying over his sixth bottle of Victoria Bitter. Friday night was stand-up comedy night, and he fancied himself as a bit of an entertainer. “They write themselves. Think about that most Aboriginal of Aboriginal words: corroboree. It contains within it the word "robbery".”
Chuckles from his mate, the old fellow was in fine form tonight. <<What do you call Aboriginal porn? National Geographic!”
Boisterous laughter around the common room, hearty backslaps rattling the wooden chairs and Penthouse posters peeling off the walls. Another spill or two on to the lino floor. Which was surprising because they were bad jokes, and stolen to boot... Julian should have said something. Too wrapped up in himself to realize timidity was the most aggressive way to attract attention in this kind of environment, he contented himself to listen. A newsflash interrupted the football broadcast concerning trouble in the South
China Sea.
<<Bloody slopes,” Maguire said, and he'd worked in Malaysia for five years.
<<They'll be fleeing to Darwin in boats next, seeking asylum.”
Dean said, “We should just drop a bunch of bombs on the pricks now and save a
lot of trouble down the line.”
“It’s a complex dispute,” Julian said, unable to contain himself any longer. “We
should let them sort it out themselves, rather than kowtow to America again.”
“I don't kowtow to anyone,” Maguire said. “But it would be good if you could
kowtow to me, now and then.”
<<Pretty shirt,” one of the engineers said.
“Yeah,” Dean Coombes sneered, “maybe we all should start wearing them on duty, in case we're caught in a blizzard. They're that reflective.”
“Made in China, no doubt. I wouldn't be caught dead in it,” Maguire said. The footy came back on and, not
wanting to provoke another argument, Julian went off to read a book or something.
“That boy's getting too big for his boots,” Maguire said.
THIS ISN'T FAIR, Julian thought the next morning on a Yamaha snowmobile 12 kilometers north of
Tuggera, only three months here and I'm already sick of the place. It seemed such a
good idea at the time: destined to unemployment as an atmospheric scientist in Australia,
desperate to do something positive about Climate Change, he applied to spend a year at Tuggera Station, Cape Poinsett, Wilkes Land, the Australian Antarctic Territory, thinking it would be the experience of his life. But after just one month of studying carbon dioxide levels a
change of government in Australia also changed Tuggera's priorities from atmospheric
research to the more lucrative job of assessing the mining suitability of the entire territory.
The station was inundated by mining representatives, oilmen and engineers: Julian
suddenly felt outcast as a scientist in a scientific outpost.
It was the best morning Julian had ever seen on the continent, nearly minus eight. A mixture of curiosity and defiance drove him to the damaged geological probe he had visited the day before. How the fuck could Maguire officially report it had been damaged in a storm? He took a few unauthorized photos of the holes and slid on to the coast, to a shallow bay almost free of ice. He sat on the edge of a rock shelf between squabbling
petrels and looked over an enamel sea to the rusty speck of a grounded Nigerian freighter
whose oily legacy still rimmed the shore.
He sat and gazed at the freighter and wondered about the holes in the probes and thought, God, I want to go home.
Something bright flared at the edge of his view and a second later a loud boom!
rumbled through the air and rocks and blew away the petrels. A geyser of flame burst from the
headland beside him and doubled over in the cold air.
Christ, Julian swaying on his feet, the old fuel dump. He reached for his radio,
hesitated as another blast shook the bay, pulled out a pair of binoculars. Training them on
the dump he thought he could see a green figure flitting through the flames. And he
thought: The Chinese must have come all the way from Suharto Station to blow up the
dump. He crouched behind the shed, saw the figure emerge from the flames dragging
something dark... another biped of some description. The upright one noticed Julian's sled, slumped its comrade
over its shoulder and scurried down the headland.
"Wait!" Julian yelled, feeling oddly heroic. The headland was too steep for the
sled so he blundered up on foot, trying to keep a safe distance from the fire. The figures
dissolved into smoke. Another geyser of flame shot up and doubled over Julian.
Cowering from the heat he lost his footing on a chunk of ice and slipped down the headland.
Julian turned over on his side and realized he wasn't lying in his bunk at Tuggera.
Then he felt a stab of pain in his forehead. "Reg feenicks bee jivo krikwik." He peered up dizzily to observe some kind of painting on the roof, penguin-men and seal-women
frolicking in icegreen waves, all thangkaed around a majestic green woman. He followed the
roof to a rocky wall and saw two women - no, one was a man wrapped in brown fur -
approach him with long, whalebone spears. "Bee reg!" one of them said curtly, but to
Julian it seemed melodious, like the sweetest singing.
"Bee krikwik," the woman said softly, dropping her spear. Her saucer-green
eyes sparkled in the diffuse light of oilfat lamps. Flicking back her ringlet mane, she
pointed earnestly at the mural roof. "Karafilpa bee Gaia!" she whispered and the words whooshed
through Julian's mind reminding him of a place and a state of being so beautiful, so astoundingly complete, it could only have been a dream.
"...FUCK HAVE YOU BEEN?" Another painful crack in his forehead. Julian tried to open
his eyes and saw through the glare a suspended image of the woman? goddess? from the
thangka morph slowly into Maguire's scowl.
"What... wh' am I?" he mumbled.
"Should have left him out there," someone brawny said.
"D... Dean?" Julian's mouth was so dry he could barely get the word out. "Wha'...
happened? Where's... Gaia?"
"Huh?" Maguire said loudly, and his voice was so macho Julian actually recoiled
(talk about his weirding way). "I don't know what you're talking about. We found you
unconscious this morning near the fuel dump. Can't believe you survived the night out
"Karafilpa..." remembering hauntingly now the slide to the coast, the petrels and
the Nigerian freighter and the explosion and then... the cave. "No. I was rescued. It was
"It wasn't that fucking beautiful for us, mate," Dean said. "Do you realise the
trouble you put us all through? We had six men looking for you all night."
"I must have hit my head," Julian said (and to be fair it was still spinning). "Someone blew
up the fuel dump. I saw some people, running away... after the explosion. Just like
eskimos. They rescued me, took me to their lair. It's utopia."
"The boy's really lost it now," Dean said and another bloke grinned.
Maguire said, "We think the explosion was sparked by a faulty valve. You'll have
to give an eye-witness to the relevant authorities. But that doesn't excuse you for running
off without telling no cunt where you were going. This is a dangerous place, son, that's
why we have precautions..."
"I'm sorry, sir."
"I won't stand for it. I'm terminating your duties for two weeks. Give you a bit of
time to think about what you're really doing here, and what you want from this whole
"But what the natives? A new tribe, living right here?"
Maguire just laughed. "Mate, I think we should take another look at that lump on
your head."
JULIAN SPENT THE REST of the day in the sickbay, nursing his headache and trying to make sense of the previous 24 hours. On waking his memories of the cave had seemed so real, almost painfully vivid, but with every passing minute in Tuggera he grew ever more unsure: it was just too peculiar. And what about the entities he had seen running from the fire? How could he have imagined that, when he was still awake at the time? And he
thought: There's no way he could have spent all night in the Antarctic open, even in
October, without getting at least a hint of frostbite.
Julian's reptilian hairstyle was a nod to the biological obsession of the times, a
pronouncement of his environmental consciousness, and it would have won him instant respect at any urban conglomeration on the planet. To the EIS people it just made him
look like a freak. And then there was his musical tastes: Julian appreciated any style on
its merits but he particularly liked Chloro or the amphibian scene, particularly the Australian
Aboriginal stuff. Most of the younger blokes at Tuggera just liked hard rock. So, conflicts
were bound to occur.
It wasn't long for the next blow-up. Taking advantage of an empty common room later that week, Julian slipped a copy of the edited highlights of the Atlantean Grid Activation Ceremony into the
DVD player and was chilling inside a makeshift pyramid. Halfway through it, a ray of Violet Transmuting Flame anchoring the earth at Lhasa and Uluru, the door opened and before Julian could scurry out from the pyramid there was Dean in the doorway. "You'll have to turn that shit off," he said. "I want to watch this video of the golf."
Julian was about to oblige him, but he was so worked up about being suspended by Maguire he said, "I'm watching this. You'll... you'll have to wait your turn."
Dean walked across the room rapidly, lifted the pyramid and flung it against the wall. <<Come on, you little prick," he said. "Let's have it out."
Then Dean remembered Julian was suffering from concussion and could therefore be excused piking out of a punch-up. They decided on a mutated form of Australian
conflict resolution: a motorised sled race.
It was a ridiculous caricature of the drag race in Grease: Dean and Julian
neck-and-neck and throttling over the fields of sheen, ice and smoke thrown into white
rooster-tails, all they lacked was a nubile teenage girl waving a flag on the starting line. Dean hurled abuse and occasionally nudged Julian's sled. "Hey," he
yelled, as Julian rounded a rocky reef, "are you a poofter?"
<<Are you Neanderthal?" Julian asked, and braced himself as Dean rammed him sideways again.
They were halfway to the finish line; the route looped around an Australian flag
before backtracking to Tuggera. The first one home won video rights over the other for the
rest of the year. "You," Dean waving an obscene finger, "everyone thinks you're a joke.
Go back home, you don't belong here."
Julian stared steadfastly into the blistering breeze, trying to ignore him. As he was staring a slab of ice in front of the sled cracked open and before he had time to brake or evade, the nose of his vehicle slipped into a yawning crevice. The last thing he heard
was Dean's urgent cry of, "Fucking twit!" and the whoosh! of a long fall down.
Chapter 5: The Night of the Splintered Sets
BABEL THORGARTEN WAS TWIRLING, WHIRLING, SWIRLING against the dictatorship of the dark. She was marching to some looped wolf snarls and Wagnerian harmonics and kicking over everything in her path. When she had run out of upright furniture, she arched back her head and let out one reverberating scream. On the other side of the room, a glass Erika had been swigging champagne out of just shattered into a hundred pieces.
<<It's so corrupted>> Bäbel said, chest heaving, eyes almost popping from her head. <<I wish I could smash this whole fucking estate!>>
She was interrupted by a knock on the floor which was too urgent for applause: Herr Sautter the downstairs Baby Boomer. Bäbel stomped a makeshift goosestep up and down the floorboards, screeching as she walked <
<<Encase him in a lattice of etheral control>> Dieter said.
<<Subvert him with a blast of subsonic glum>> Erika said.
It was a typical Berlin night, and the sky was full of cranes. The Fernsehen tower twitched an urgent dialogue across the residential dark. Abandoning the Hitler Youth, Bäbel escorted her friends to a bedroom half-filled with outdated computer monitors, large-screen Korean TVs, the odd video.
Bäbel cleared a space on the floor. She had recently begun delving into pagan mysticism and was finding countless everyday uses for the Occult. She lit several candles and the three of them sat down in a circle, held hands, and Bäbel began to intone:
Night waned upon this talk, and even the witching hour had gone by before we retired to rest. When I placed my head on my pillow, I did not sleep, nor could I be said to think. My imagination, unbidden, possessed and guided me, gifting the successive images that arose in my mind with a vividness far beyond the usual bounds of reverie. I saw - with shut eyes, but acute mental vision - I saw the pale student of unhallowed arts kneeling beside the thing he had put together. I saw the hideous phantasm of a man stretched out, and then, on the working of some powerful engine, show signs of life, and stir with an uneasy, half-vital motion. Frightful must it be; for supremely frightful would be the effect of any human endeavour to mock the stupendous mechanism of the Creator of the world. His success would terrify the artist; he would rush away from his odious handiwork, horror-stricken. He would hope that, left to itself, the slight spark of life which he communicated would fade; that this thing which had received such imperfect animation would subside into dead matter, and he might sleep in the belief that the silence of the grave would quench forever the transient existence of the hideous corpse which he had looked upon as the cradle of life.
She screamed, picked up the largest monitor and with a strength which startled her friends hurled it out of the window. 12 floors of silence, then the smash, the splinter of wood, Bäbel laughing like a madwoman: <<There's a beast in the machine! there's a beast in the machine! and his name is Rupert Murdoch!>>
Chapter 22: Many Divorce
THE PROGRAM'S THEME MUSIC, sexy sax morphed into corporate fusestep, erupted from
speakers set around the studio. Giant TV screens flashed the numbers 3... 2... 1, then the
urgent refrain: Applause! At this cue the studio audience went ape, clapping and
whistling, and even the odd Burmese language sign was thrust into the air. A door opened at the back of the set and into this programmed acclaim, dressed in a gleaming spider silk suit, stepped the most popular man on American TV, the redoubtable, the incontrovertible... Chucky Poong! He guillotined the applause with his hands, sniffled,
turned to camera two.
"In America, many divorce" he said. "No good! Chucky Poong say no good!
Husbands must love their wife."
Chapter 8: The Fall of Kazad-Dum
CASSIUS CROON HAD BEEN GOING THROUGH A SAMUEL L JACKSON PHASE LATELY, AND THAT EXPLAINED HIS KANGOL CAP AND ZEBRA skins and his sudden love of vodka. It also justified his current choice of girlfriend - a Cockney chick named Jas. She was dressed just like Surfer Girl out of Quentin Tarantino's Jacky Brown, and like that infamous character, she could suck head just as deep!
<<You ought to give that shit up>> Croon said. It was two nights after the Catheter visitation, and Croon was looking for any excuse to dump her.
<<You know it fucks with your motivation.>>
<<You're one to speak!>>
She sidled on to his lap, wrapped a milky thigh around the back of his
chair. <<You'd hook yourself to a ventilator if you thought it would save your lungs some work.>>
Croon took a long draught from her bong. <<Baby, I'm conserving.>>
"No baby, you're preserving."
<<Screw you.>>
<<I'll kill you>> Croon said.
Just then there was a knock at the door, and Jasmin ran off to answer it (how very un-Surfer Girl of her!)
<<Dice, Strife>> Croon said, welcoming his old mates. <<Well, it seems our party is complete. Let's cut to the chase, and bottomline it.>>
AN HOUR LATER IT WAS their time to go down, and they shuffled into a creaky old service lift. Slowly, uncertainly, they began their descent. Thankfully, after only three light failures, the lift dragged to a halt, and the door slid open. Beyond stretched a narrow shelf lit by bare fluorescent bulbs. Croon wandered out, swearing, bemused. There was nobody to be seen, and no sign of a party. <<Hey, maybe we stopped on the wrong floor>> Dice said. He was a
football hooligan.
THE STAIRWAY WAS LIT by no shaft and was UTTERLY dark. They groped their way down flight after flight of stone and concrete steps, and at one point Croon looked back; but he could see nothing, except high above him the faint flicker of a safety siren. What were stone stairs doing in a mine? Something didn't seem right. Periodically he caught music, rising from the underworld: the voice of an Aborigine or a Jamaican gun boy singing, muttering words that ran down the sloping roof with a sighing echo. He could not catch what was sung. The walls seemed to be trembling. Every now and again drumbeats throbbed and rolled: doom, doom. The sound
grew gradually louder as they progressed; the air, clammier.
HIS TRIP STARTED KICKING in then, so he sauntered out to wobble in the SERPENTINE style. Purists might dispute him, but Croon considered himself a Junglist - he went to all the parties in the late 90s and still listened to pirate radio. But his tastes had mellowed over the years, and he had slowly lost track of style. He knew what was happening in the Iranian student underground, was well-versed in the new tribal movements in Indonesia... but when it came to his own (adopted) homeland, Croon was definitely one spy in the cold. Well, he thought, let's renew some old acquaintances...
The foam had begun to detach itself from various devotees and assume ameboid shape. From the mass around the Dark Stranger a tip broke free, turned, and moved up along his body, like an animal that intended to
strike him with its beak. At the end of it, two mobile knobs formed, like the horns of a giant snail.
The dancers, eyes closed, mouths frothing, did not cease their spinning, and they began to revolve, as much as the space allowed, around the central stage. Whirling faster and faster, they flung off loose clothing, women let their hair stream out, and it seemed their heads were flying from their necks. They shouted hey-hey! hey-hey! hey!!!
Croon could see (or were they only holograms?) various entities acquiring definition. One of them grew vaguely human in appearance, another went from phallus to ampule to alembic, and another was clearly taking on the aspect of a snake, a viper with silver scales, fangs glinting like tiny swords. , the hooked beak of an old schoolmistress, a teacher of natural sciences.
WHEN CASSIUS CROON SAW THE WORDS MARIE-CELESTE airsprayed on the side of the Paris-Frankfurt-Berlin express train at Paddington Station, the nigga had some cause to be alarmed. Croon was on his way to Germany, and he was already spooked enough by the goofy weirdness of the whole Storm Thorgarten mission. He didn't buy Catheter's claims about pro-Israeli propaganda for a second. As for the paucity of background information on his elfin granddaughter -- well, that was lightyears beyond a joke. You couldn't walk five yards/exhale five breaths/snort five lines in this age without having your personal effects scattered across the Infosphere by any number of security cameras, automated bank tellers, vending machines, telephone receivers (and their cronies, too numerous to mention), robotic reconnoiters of the Paranoid Panopticon - shit, even toasters were wired to the Net these days! Big Brother was everywhere, and everyone was Big Brother - that's why Croon was so astounded that Babel Thorgarten's intelligence file amounted to a few flimsy photographs and some outdated work records. What was she, a fucking ghost? Nobody was invisible.
Obviously, Catheter was messing with him -- that so much was obvious. The question was, why? Testing his skills, no doubt, seeing if he still possessed that bloodhound nose (nosehound blood?) -- Croon's form had been slipping lately, and there had been talk of a demotion. So, the brother was on trial, and possibly the entire world was watching.
Why do I put up with this shit?
IN 2003 THE GERMAN GOVERNMENT approved the one-off influx of
120,000 economic refugees from the failed states of the African Horn -- namely Somalia and Eritrea. The press claimed it was a gesture of charity to the starving African masses but the true
reason, naturally, was paranoia: long-range analysts had pinpointed
Somalia as a terror breeding ground and Europe wanted to sweep that swamp clean. The plan was called "cultural sterilisation". If you sterilise a million female mosquitoes and then release them into the wild, male mosquitoes waste their seed and the population drops. That was the theory, at least. Get these budding suicide bombers of the future into Europe, the heart of the Civilisation, teach them how to behave, then send their children home as proponents of Democracy and Decency. Terrorism would be sapped at the source. Naturally it didn't work out that way.
Chapter 9: Bad Connection
<<ACH! It isn't working. It's only tickling!>>
Her voice inflected between cocaine mirth and something vaguely close to boredom.
Jan was propped over the fork of her thighs, a white dove feather dribbling out of his mouth. Well, it seemed a depraved idea at the time...
<<WHO>> MARC SPOON (aka Cassius Croon) was raving in the kitchenette <<who the fucking hell dropped tea leaves into the sugar? How could anyone be so daft, so blatantly idiotic? It's outrageous!>>
Nobody was owning up. Croon shoveled spoons of sugar and tea leaves into the sink, discovered the pollution sank as far as the china floor of the bowl.
Locking the sugar bowl in his desk, forced to make do with flat Coca-Cola, Croon logged on to his workstation and appraised today's dispatch from the complaints board.
As soon as he saw her homepage Croon knew Bäbel wasn’t working at the telco
for either the money or love. She had to be there for something subversive, and if she
wasn't, she was definitely engaging in a bit of organized mischief on the side. And he
wondered: What would an art terrorist do at a telephone company? The answer was obvious: crank calls. So he got INTCEN to invent him a job as a nuisance call investigator with an office in her sector, and even went so far as to appoint
her as his secretary.
<<CURIOUS>> HE SAID. (Of course, everything was curious to him, he was a fucking detective!) <<You wouldn't expect prank calls to be that interesting. Like today, there were 363 reported complaints, all pretty much the same: the usual kindermischief-on-the-telco-net, the odd threat, nothing too sensational. But there were oddities. Like two complaints from people who said they heard music down the line, just music, but it was so beautiful it made them cry.>>
Bäbel turned away, a petulant swish of hair. <<If it made them cry, then why they did complain?>> she said. <<People are so crazy.>>
Maybe it had something to do with the Teutonic mentality, Croon thought. The Germans were paranoid about telephone security. Even wrong numbers were frowned upon.
<<Fucking strange>> he said.
Gustav stared down the barrel of his father's bolt action hunting rifle in his dingy apartment in postindustrial Kiel. Earlier in the day, in full postindustrial mode, his 17-year-old girlfriend had dumped him for an older man. He was so committed to her, he'd spent nearly a year with her and she was the only girl who'd ever given a care about him. To complicate things, the end of school loomed like a noose in front of him and he didn't have a clue what to do with his life. His pot habit had gone through the euphoric stage and now only depressed him. Why bother. Fikt es.
The phone was connected to an answering machine with a speaker to play messages as they came in. A voice started beckoning towards him, like a piper's call... or the Pied Piper for that matter. Two rising notes repeated three times - hoo whoo, hoo whoo, hoo whoo - with some evocative strings in the background. It was only as third as loud as the Gabba but for some reason it took over the room and whooshed through his ears and reminded him of a IndoEuropean plain so far away, so long ago, yet so close. It was as if Gaia Herself was yodeling him.
Hmmm, I'm on the fucking case! was kind of like Cassius Croon's catchcry. Except he had two cases at the moment... well, three if he counted the tea leaves. His prime objective, of course, was to befriend Bäbel Thorgarten. To get close to her he'd taken a job as a nuisance call investigator at her telephone company. And he'd renamed himself Marc Spoon after some DJ he saw in Frankfurt once.
Locking the sugar bowl in his desk, forced to make do with flat Coca-Cola, Croon logged on to his workstation and appraised today's dispatch from the complaints board.

THE NEXT DAY WHEN Croon got to work there were 465 complaints for him to categorize. On a whim, he invented a new category - spiritual incitement. To his surprise, he found six complaints to fill it with, from the four corners of the nation. They all followed the same idea: lilting music, the faintest suggestion of words beneath it, then whoever it was hung up and left the victim in a freaked-out state of bliss.
<<Like maybe>> Bäbel putting on the schoolgirl voice she reserved for serious flirtation <<like maybe it's a serial prank caller!>> And she made stabbing motions which hardy seemed appropriate.
Compelling stuff indeed, and Croon wondered why nobody had stumbled
on to it before. But the job was only a sham, after all; his main job was infiltrating Bäbel.
He had done well so far, attracting her with his usual mix of aloof mystique and forceful
presence. Now it was time to move things towards closure.
Oh telephone line / give me some time
CROON WAS PISSED OFF - Bäbel could tell it by gait as he marched into the
office the following morning, the timbre of his <<No thanks, not today>> to her steaming offer of Chinese tea, the doubleclick of his mouse as he logged on. The latest dispatch scrolled open from the complaints board: 174 reported incidents since
midnight, five of them mystical. He said: <<Ok, Bäbel, get back to these people with a
psychological questionnaire. Focus on behavioral changes post-prank.>>
When the psyche forms started coming in Croon knew he was on to something big. All respondents admitted to being under varying degrees of emotional stress immediately before receiving the call; immediately afterwards, all described experiencing (with amazing candour) varying degrees of spiritual bliss. <<One minute I was vacuuming the house and thinking about leaving my husband, the next I was running through the streets so happy I could cry>> said a housewife from Potsdam. <<I was worried about
exams>> said a Bavarian schoolgirl <<but who needs worry once you feel the full magnitude
of the universe?>> It read like the backcover of a New Age self-help bestseller.
The Phantom Menace (Club Bunker Edit)
In 2004 the German government approved a one-off influx of 80,000 Nigerian economic refugees. The press claimed it was a gesture of charity to the starving African masses but the true reason, naturally, was fiscal: long-range analysts had pinpointed Nigeria as a possible African tiger and Germany wanted to get that wooden shoe in the door. When the said investment boom eventually began the Reich would have thousands of dual citizens to send back as developers, export/importers and just plain opportunists.
MYTHOLOGY WAS BECOMING a big concern in Germany in 2008, and The Lord of the Rings
hadn't enjoyed such sales since Spielberg tried to make a movie out of it. Croon wasn't
surprised when he arrived at Bäbel's party to find her apartment all decked out with Germanic fairytales: runes carved into the walls, Der Froschkönig emerging blinking out of his deep well, murals of elves and dwarves on the living room wall, real fir and oak branches hanging in the kitchen. Croon was dressed smart but casual: a polo-neck, arm-patches on his cashmere coat, all he needed was a couple of beauties to hang off them. Bäbel would hang there soon enough. He refrained invitations to drink as he wanted to stay alert. He didn't mind a coffee though... that was until he opened the sugar bowl and found it swimming with scrunched-up deep green tea leaves.
He turned around looking for a culprit, saw Babel made-up and pouting right
beside him. Suddenly it all made sense: it had been her all along! It was a test. She was
the hunter, and he was the prey. And these tea leaves were the tranquilizer darts!
He dipped a spoon into the foul mixture and scooped it into his mouth.
Babel said <<
you trained with the FBI?>>
CROON WAS ON THE toilette about an hour when the distinctive
metaconsciousness of marijuana dawned around him. <<I was right!>> he muttered, triumphantly. <<That cunning witch.>> She’d thrown him the bait, and luckily he’d grabbed the hook in time. Now all he had to was flounder about a bit for show, and relax and let her haul him in!
"How did you know I worked for the FBI?" Croon asked, wondering if he was playing a game inside a game inside a game.
"You're such a control freak," she blurted. "I could tell that, the moment you walked into the Telefonzentralen."
"I'm a professional..."
>>Oh yes<< Babel said. >>Thank you.<< She had a sip, then said wistfully: >>I wonder... I wonder what would be the best prank in history?<<
>>It wasn't a prank, man<< Babel said. >>He was just doing a radio play.<<
>>Yeah, whatever. I just know it will be 10 times straighter than anything I ever do.<<
According to Mr Catheter's inkgifs, Bäbel's grandfather had started his career at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Biology in Berlin, where he worked with the likes of Richard Goldschmidt and Erwin Baur. Following the collapse of the Weimar Republic, he was seduced by the Nazis and became a protege of Josef Mengele. The Angel of Death had always been fascinated by the potential of DNA and the genetic code, and hoped that by manipulating it, he could create soldiers with superhuman strength and endurance, or even create entirely new species to do the Führer's bidding. Stormgarten was transferred to Auschwitz where Mengele was running a top-secret project to develop the ultimate weapon for the Third Reich.
Naturally, the project was codenamed Operation Übermensch.
Chapter 8: EgyptAir
MK SUCKED BACK ON THE HOOKAH and the coals flared and the water bubbled and smoke, dense green smoke, surged through the pipe and then trickled out of his mouth. The room was one of those pastel yellow, concrete-floored apartment numbers Cairo was famous for, 15 stories high and probably a fire hazard. MK stood at the window as the hash sank in and stared at the Hosri Mubarak Flyover, currently hurling 40 cars a second towards the new commuter suburbs of the north. Nagvib had his draw. The sky was darkening and the characteristic Cairo
night, half blazing neon, half suffocating smog, was already replicating
itself inside the bedroom.
<<Heard any good tunes lately?>> Nagvib asked.
That was how conversation went here: <<Heard any good
tunes?>>, <<Taken any decent
<<Have a listen to
this!>> MK said, or the nearest Arabic
equivalent, and he threw his needle on the latest dabke derivative to
hit North Africa. It was like Omar Souleyman on LSD with ululation, hectic strings, wadi moons, sugarcane lament, and the odd burst of real machine gun fire. The record flowered out like hashish smoke or
THE BOLT slid open and Ishmael Mohammed Mahmud (he grew up in the Intifada and enjoyed checkers, soccer and reciting the Koran) was met with a truly unexpected sight: hash smoke thicker than breath and godawful music. MK nearly tackled him. They'd met years ago in prison over there in Palestine and had pledged to do a job together.
<<One day we'll pray together in liberated Jerusalem>>, that had been their refrain. But the Israeli army had recently laid siege to the Old City, and Muslims were banned from the Holy Mount. This is my jihad, my holy war, Ishmael thought as he staggered into the den. But these degenerates, are they my enemies or my friends?
Ishamel knocks a variation of 2-6-1-8 on the door before getting in!
<<My friend, we have protection. We'll fly the airliner to Tobruk military base in Libya; Gadaffi is sympathetic to our cause. My friend, this operation has been planned to the 10th degree.>>
<<And if one of the passengers is armed?>> but Nagvib just waved his hands and said: <<We'll talk about it tomorrow. Tonight there are more important concerns. Such as showing you the sights of the city.>>
THEY ALL STOPPED at a little bar in a grungy district of the city. The joint had started as a Wimpies' restaurant and retained the plastic seats, Laminex tables and pastel-hued waitresses of its youth. But sentiment had recently turned anti-Western in this part of town, and Koranic verses and spittle now competed for aesthetic dominance. Older men sucked water-pipes and argued furiously while the younger set competed over pool.
<<I'm so glad you could make it>> MK said. They were sitting in a murky corner of the room, and MK was playing drunk. <<This is the turning point. This is the first step towards a free al Quds.>>
But MK shoved the needle into his arm and squirted deep into a vein. Ishmael jerked upright, flailing at MK for a futile few seconds before he began a slowmotion descent to the floor. <<I'll kill you!>> he said. Much later: <<God!>> he muttered, a nearly inaudible gasp.
NEXT STOP WAS AN underground establishment in Misr el-Qadimah, the old city of Cairo. Ishmael (who was starting to come out of a long reverie) expected it to be a traditional revolutionary haunt, full of serious characters with waxed moustaches smoking pipes. Instead, it was more like a Jaffa warehouse party. What shocked Ishmael first was the presence of women, then the number of them, then the flamboyancy of their dress. Calls for stricter adherence to the veil were being openly flaunted here! The men were a Bohemian lot too, by Arab standards: there were boys with dreads and open Afro-Caribbean shirts, giant reefers almost sutured to their lips; there were guestworkers in full tribal wear; there were androgynous beings clad in various grades of plastic, rubber and leather; there was even a mummy pretty tied up donning a Tutankhamen mask. Ishmael couldn't believe he'd been brought here. Didn't his reputation count for anything!
<<Come, Ishmael, you talk about the glory of revolution. This is a revolution of the mind.>>
Nagvib pressed two small tablets into the Palestinian's hand. He then poured a short glass of vodka. <<Have you heard how the Christians eat bread and drink wine to infuse themselves with the body and blood of Jesus? Behold! this is the body and blood of the Arabian people. Drink it, eat it, if you want to join our holy war!>>
To comprehend Ishmael's awakening you must understand the stresses which preceded it. It was the eve of his first terrorist mission and he was torn with anxiety. While he was yearning to avenge the Siege of Al-Aqsa and felt genuine patriotism for the Global Umma, his first night in Egypt had left him disillusioned and distressed. The decadence and depravity of pre-revolutionary Cairo simply staggered him. Imagine his confusion! Torn one way by his devotion to the cause and another by revulsion and shame, Ishmael desperately sought a middle path. What he discovered was the Zero.
Instantly, masculine and feminine forces were aligned inside his Being. Feeling this polarity collapse, Ishmael made the audacious leap of decision: he set himself the task of balancing both forces across the entire Arabian Nation.
- The 0th Pillar of Islam.
Chapter 8: Quantum Leap
CAS Croon's HOTEL was right near the Kufurstendam, the former commercial heart of West Berlin. It was just a couple of hundred meters from the Berlin Zoo, Tiergarten and the Zoologishes Garten railway station, a place Croon remembered from the U2 song of his youth. Having scanned his new home for bugs and unpacked, Croon poured himself a few drinks, decided to call Jas, decided against it, settled in front of the TV instead.
Mist was rising from Puget Sound when Dr Sam Beckett possessed his latest victim, a chubby postal worker named Duff. Duff was riding a bicycle down a steep hill when his body was taken over and there followed the predictable gyrations and slapstick antics as Sam adjusted to the scene. He swerved swearing into the path of an oncoming car, narrowly missed splattering himself on the windsheild, careened into a tree on the other side of the road.
<<What the...>> the popadanets said, his new body christened with a large bruise. He looked at his reflection in his sunglasses, appraised the long hair, untucked shirt, the Duff name-tag, the classic Doc Martin boots. Loud grunge music was playing through his headphones.
The admiral performed a complex sum on his calculator. Fuck knows what the reading was, but it graved Al out: <<Great god, this is more critical than I thought. We're nearly on the rim of the event horizon...>>
Chapter 9: Goldie and Bjork
CASSIUS CROON was beyond ethnology. He was, perhaps, more Negroid than anything else, though his hair was curly rather than frizzy, and his nose had a bridge. Sometimes (this was totally beyond Babel's comprehension) he would drop a Hindi or northern Australian Aboriginal expression into conversation. Moreover, his skin was brown rather than black, and the whites of his
eyes were yellow (residual traces of opium addiction, suggesting a stay in Laos or at least a healthy love of alcohol. His broad cheekbones and narrow chin gave
his face something of the viperine V.
So natürlich, authentisch, empathisch, unprätentiös. His capacity for instant intimacy was incredible. In fact. their relationship started with such potential it reminded of her the great romances of history, Goldie and Bjork particularly (in their heyday months of course). It had just the right combination of Nordic menace and street fairytale. He carved Spoon digs Thorgarten! hearts into every tree in Charlottenburg. They talked about postIndustrialism and Bhangra.
<<He's not going to brainwash me>> Bäbel said.
<<I blame it on Rupert Murdoch>> he said. Then he suddenly realized the whole point of this exercise... and spat on the floor.
As she rose her fist defiantly in the air he could have hardly felt more unsure. <<What if we’re already brainwashed?>>
OH my god. You're an innie!>>
Bäbel and Croon were in Tiergarten park, lazing under playdo clouds and a cellophane sun. <<I'm a what?>> Croon said.
<<An innie. Your bellybutton sticks in. Some people are innies and some people are outies.>>
<<You’re an outie>> Croon said. <<Maybe it's a symbol for your personality.>>
"Some are the melody, some are the beat," Babel said.
SLEEPING WITH BABEL had its pros as well as cons. Little unexpected things
are the usual sparks for conflict: making her a pot of tea when she clearly needs herbal e; throwing her "installation" out with the trash because you thought it was only mess; forgetting to offer the ritual sacrifice to the rising moon. Sometimes she'd chide his
choice of side-burns or the colour of his eyes. Sometimes she'd explode in such savage
bursts of anger that recriminations quickly lead to body-blows, then possibly to blood.
This jarred Croon to begin with, but he soon realized it was a necessary flip.
If Croon and Bäbel were on Doctor Who he’d be the Doctor and she'd be one of his madder assistants, possibly Sheila. He'd be aloof, eccentric, brilliant, and she’d be just a bimbo in an animal skin.
Except Bäbel was no bimbo, and she soon got the hint that something was amiss. Like one night he came home from the video shop with that classic Transylvanian horror film The Keep. Cool, she thought... the movie had a good soundtrack and an excellent sex scene. But halfway through some scene when some Nazi bastards are doing nasty Nazi shit he started looking at her as if he was expecting some kind of reaction. Not getting any, he laughed and remarked about how bad-arsed it was.
He’s not German she thought. No young German would act like that.
SUNLIGHT SPLAYED IN a field of daffodils, ramparts topped with royal standards, spice
smells and girls in mordant marketplaces: Quilff was as pretty a Queendom as you'd find in
all Creation, but its tranquility was beginning to impose an inverse feeling of fret upon
Babel's sweet heart. All she seemed to do these days was fight. Even her halcyonic relationship with Croon was starting to disintegrate, and she was worried that not even mushrooms could bridge the growing rift.
Club Holocaust Bunker
Paval Pozynak enters the Club Holocaust Bunker.
Sunk in the sandy soil were a jumble of artefacts from the Battle of 1945: Haubitzen (howizters) jutting out at odd angles, T-34 tanks, and shattered bicycles; from the lightpoles hung
plastic kamikaze planes. Some of the weapons were intact, including artillery shells which might possibly be still live; others were only skeletons or chassis, rods and cranks that spoke of the horror and brutality of war. You could imagine the awful violence which occurred here, as blockades manned by grandfathers and Hitler Youth made their last stand against the Red Army. Whether this was the "real" Bunker or not was kind of beside the point; all of Berlin was a cauldron at that time.
She looked up, and he noticed her eyes were the palest shade of blue, like ice-bergs. Croon suddenly realised he had been too bold, and silently cursed himself. >>I'm going to get some coffee<< she said.
A waitress came by with a steaming pot. >>Can I get anyone anymore coffee?<< she said.
<<DOWN DOWN>> a deep reptilian voice was intoning, as if the Devil Himself had stepped up into the MC's booth. <<This is the way we go down.>>
Chapter 10: The Green Man
Upstairs there was an apartment complex specially reserved for African guest workers and their families. In one of the apartments two Ethiopian boys were smoking the new ice derivative. <<Het schiet op>> one of them blurted as his lungs ignited. <<Superrrrsonisch!>>
Their names were Gemolang, Nanchun, New Jhunjhunu and Oceania.
ON THE OTHER side of the world Willem Boonzajer, a public relations (PR) officer for the transnational Glam corporation, was on a Dutch commuter train fighting with a refugee for the last seat. The refugee was Sudanese with the usual extermination numbers tattooed on his wrist.
"I first sit," he said, saying it in Dutch of course.
"Is there a problem here?" another black man said. He rose from his seat on the other side of the carriage and levelled Willem with a seven-foot high stare. "I do believe you're disturbing the other passengers."
"Go on then," Willem said, "take it.''
WHEN WILLEM GOT TO work it was at the Glam International's global headquarters in Muiderpoort, Amsterdam. His office was a ripoff of a hash coffee shop with dogeaten couches, Pink Floyd videos and an ornamental bong. He had a secretary named Moya and a gift for media promotions.
<<Jesus Christ, what a morning," he said. "And they talk about a coffee coloured Europe!"
Speaking of coffee here's three young men sipping decaf on his couch, two white men in spider silk suits and a lad whose skin was a distinct shade of green.
"What are you a," Willem said, "Martian or something?"
Imagine if there were creatures on Mars and they were intelligent and they wanted to settle here. Not War of the World style
"They've been waiting for you," Moya said. "This is Mr Wagenaar. And Mr Brugmans. And Mr Kroon. And Paval Poznyak."
"We're lawyers," Mr Wagenaar said, offering his hand nonetheless. "From Wagenaar and Associates. Pavel here is our client. He'd been using one of your products every day for three years when he developed this... condition."
Mr Brugmans said, <<Oh, we've got no concern about liability. This case will be a walkover..>>
Willem fingered his ornamental bong as if it were, say, a flute. <<So what I have got to do with it?.>>
<<When a man wakes up one morning and finds his skin greener than Kermit that man has to reconsider his future.>> Mr Kroon said. <<Especially if he's a school dropout and is living in an age of permanent 10 per cent unemployment. We could milk you for 30 million but is 30 million enough? Your a PR man, Mr Boonzajer," Mr Kroon smiling now, <<you understand these things..>>
"YOU'RE not actually saying>> Willem was reading Paval's bio over morning tea biscuits, guarana flakes in them to help preserve stamina. Paval was born in the Ukraine in 1982 and moved Dutchward with his parents when the EC came. In Rotterdam he fell into EC habits like crack cocaine and Gabba techno. The story about him being a school dropout was true and there were documents to prove it. He had acne as well. When he was 16 he started using Glam facewash to dry out his zits. It was reasonably successful, so he kept using it, twice a day for three years.
"No I don't," Willem said, fingering his bong.
"Our skincare range is a simple variation on a recipe which has been around for decades," Willem said. "Suitably cosmopolitanized, naturally. It has never caused a mutation before."
"That's why we want to have fun with it," Mr Kroon said. "Glam makes the world's first Green Man. We'll make a fucking mint!"
THE NIGHT BEFORE WILLEM was at one of his courses, this one a Jungian therapy group. The topic of the night was fairytales and the archetype they represented. The woman in front of Willem began by talking about Jenny Longtooth, a witch who hid out in the leas and dug trapdoors for unwary children. After 25 minutes the coordinator had to interrupt and pass the torch to Willem.
"I've never believed in fairytales," Willem said.
"I do believe that>> Willem said eventually, "wedded to the underbelly of this world is another, just beyond our reach. It is sometimes glimpsed as a movement over the shoulder or revealed in the brief union of lovers, when time, space and matter meet. But unless you can submerge yourself all you can do is stand at the brink of this world and catch flashes of what lies below the opaque surface. Only sometimes does someone burst through the skin and become a part of it, merging, breathing underwater.>>
Hoebbard still had a questioning look on his face so Sara said, "Let me it another
way. In 1966 Soeharto became president of Indonesia, suppressed dissident thought,
crushed secessionist tendencies, brought society under strict state control. In the 1980s
and 1990s, inspired by the tiger growth of other south east Asian nations, Soeharto
encouraged a consumer revolution. He thought a large middle class would strengthen the
nation. We all know where it ended."
Getting redressed for work Willem dropped as casually as he could, "Fucking hell. I met a green man today.>>
Chapter 11: Gross Misconduct
head around the doorway and bawled: <<Yo Paul, quittin' time.
You ready?>> It was late afternoon, and grey Californian rain was railing against the windows.
Paul Luszeit grinned and swung his feet down from his desk. He gave one last, cursory glance to the file he
had been reading and stood up.
<<Sure, what the hell... it's Friday.>> He gestured the mountain of paperwork on his desk. <<But these aren't going anywhere.>>
<<Still getting those crank calls?" he asked.
Luszeit shook his head. He shook it decisively. <<No, there was another one... if you were into choirboys, I'd have let you listen.>>
<<You think this guy would have realized your straight already and moved on."
The avenging angel pulled him closer, kind of threatening. <<Brane theory is no joke. Some of the top scientists in the world support it. The question is, do you?>> He thrust two pamphlets into his hand. Paul was about to refuse when he realised -- huh? -- he was trembling.
<<Read the truth. The world is flat. The revelations of Columbus are not what they appear. The universe is a membrane, not a sphere.>>
Chapter 9: A Pasty-Faced Man in s a Pinstripe
A PASTY-FACED MAN IN A PIN-STRIPE was waiting for Brett Weir at the prison gate. A pasty-faced man in a pin-stripe was waiting for Brett Weir at the prison gate. Brett Weir was too preoccupied with the Cheung Li-less gloom to notice him at first. When the warden slotted his giant key into the giant lock and swung open the giant steel door the man in the pin-stripe urgently - nervously - preened his short brown hair. He was waiting patiently at the prison gate, all that time, and his pin-stripe was the latest Milan design. When the warden opened the big steel door he sprung on Brett Weir like a newshound, handshake extended as if it were a network microphone.
<<Gerald Brugmans>> he said, shaking vigorously. <>.
<<Gerald Brugmans>> he said. <<Your lawyer. I'm here to represent you.>>
<<I didn't ask for a lawyer>> Brett Weir said. He had been ambushed at the prison gate.
<<Your girlfriend hired me.>>
<<My wife? Oh, Cheung Li?>> He smiled diabolically, appraised the Milan suit. <<You doing her?>>
Brett Weir laughed, the first time since he was imprisoned. It felt good. <<Oh, nothing, don't worry about it. I like you. Give me a call when you finish law school.>>
He started walking away but Brugmans grabbed him by the arm and said: <<Sir, I'm 29 years old, I've been working on the bench for three years. I'll be frank with you: I have an interest in this case. This is an area I've specialized in.>>
Brugmans shook his head. He shook it. <<No, not prank calls, I specialise in civil liberties. I'll be honest: I don't particularly like what you do, but I'm willing to fight to the end to defend your right to do it.>>
BRUGMANS' OFFICE WAS THE typical legal: piles of books on the shelves and mahogany furniture. Brett and Phillip Doof sat in padded leather chairs smoking Cuban cigars and chatting about old times. They'd made themselves at home in Brugmans' office, smoking cigars and talking about the past. Brugmans was on the other side of the desk in a hands-free conversation with what could be best described a disgruntled client. Lucky it was hands-free because he needed both hands to gesticulate as he pleaded for another chance. Finally he slammed down the phone and swore, softly. He swore under his breath.
<<Was that guy bugging you?>> Brett asked.
<<We could sort him out if he's too much trouble>> Phillip Doof said.
THE SLIM YOUNG MOVIESTAR in the skin-graft briefs sprinted down the diving board and with a loud cry of <<This is how it's done!" sprung into the air. He somersaulted once, knees clenched, before unfolding smoothly into the pool. Applause and cheers of <<Straight!" rated him from women sunning in deck chairs on the shore. He bowed as he emerged from the water, stepped into a waiting towel.
Leonardo di Caprio was not to be outdone. Snorting like a bull on the streets of Pamplona he charged down the board, jumped clumsily, succeeded in rotating at least 270 degrees... then sprawled backfirst across the concrete skin of the pool. He glowered painfully as he sank to the bottom.
"Dude," the film star said, "you've got to turn your legs before you land."
In one corner, a girl in a polkadot bikini was jerking uncontrollably through the early stages of a heroin overdose. In another, more secluded corner, a couple were groaning through the latter stages of anal sex.
Then Brett Weir was called to take the stand. Arnold Ongaro paced around him and said: <<Why did you make a prank phone call to the Premier of China on the night of Halloween 2008, thereby precipitating an international crisis which gravely embarrassed the Government of the United States of America?>>
Chapter 15: Sunsilk
ASTROPHYSICS PROFESSOR Ichiro Sato lit the end of a Marlboro cigarette and inhaled quickly, urgently, one eye glancing at the digital clock on his office desk. It was 14.52.34, and sunlight was streaming into his 69th story workspace inside the Nippon Space Research and Development tower, which rocketed up from the Yokohama foreshore like some kind of retro Vostok bus. Dr Sato preened his hair nervously, stole another glance at that clock, took a puff of his Marlboro. He considered phoning reception again downstairs, thought better of it, then decided to call them anyway. He asked them if his Chinese colleague Cheung Li had entered the building yet, ready for her very important meeting. She was more than an hour late, and there were no reports of delays at the arrivals deck at Narita Airport. Dr Sato knew that, because he had the Narita website open on his laptop, and it said her flight had already landed. She wasn't answering her cellphone, and neither was her driver. And according to all the online information, there were no reports of cellphone blackouts in the networks in this part of Japan. And no unusual sunspot activity either. So, what was going on?
The reception staff said no in a flurry of typical Japanese apologies -- no, they were very sorry, they definitely hadn't seen her. Sato apologised as well -- "Sumimasen... I'm sorry for disturbing you." He hung up the phone, bowing. It was 14.56.03, and still no sign of the impeccable and always punctual Cheung Li. 彼女はどこ? She couldn't have been caught in traffic -- Sato had the traffic flows on his monitor to prove it, and there were no traffic jams between here and the airport. There was an overturned truck somewhere, but apart from that all the lanes were moving fast. She should have been here by now, bunkered down in a crisis meeting. He needed her now! And why wasn't she answering her phone?
Dr Sato stubbed his cigarette in an ashtray, and lit another one. He was a nervous wreck! It was already 14.56.16.
His office was a mishmash of high tech and traditional Japanese styles, straw and jet black. There were for, example, tatami mats on the floor and Japanese calligraphy posters hanging from the walls, extolling noble qualities. There was an ancient Noh theatre mask on display near to the door, the type worn by actors in oldfashioned plays. In absolute contrast to the tranquility of the past, the office was also piled full of modern junk - swish black Korean TV screens uptaking stock market fluctuations and Chinese horoscopes, randomly pulled from the Net, little model rockets orbiting crystal moons, the obligatory framed photograph of Albert Einstein. There was also a photo of Sato with Cheung Li during a recent field trip to Sri Lanka, praying at the shrine of Arthur C Clarke. Dr Sato worked and virtually lived on the 69th floor of the JAXA tower, and it was his job to dream Japan into outer space. The United States was a declining power these days, paranoid and bankrupt, and Asian countries were scrambling to fill the gap. Who would plant the first colony on Mars --- China, India or Japan? But now, for the moment, who cared? There was bigger news on the grapevine, welcome relief from years of terror alerts and predictions of Armageddon.
Cheung Li had been detained at the airport in Guangzhou, and her passport seized...
The taxi stopped. Madison turned and looked at him expectantly. Sato thought for a moment that he had gotten lost and was looking to Sato for instructions. The road terminated here, in a parking lot mysteriously placed in the middle of the cloud forest. Sato saw half a dozen big airconditioned trailers bearing the logos of Nipponese, German and American firms; a couple of dozen cars; as many buses. Two monkeys with giant stiff penises were fighting over some booty from a Dumpster. A wall of green rose at the end of the road, a green so dark it was almost black.
<<I'm trying to build up a zoo>> Tung said. <<How Montgomery Burns of me!>>
Murdoch recognised the compliment and smiled. <<Yes, I heard about the zoo>> he said. <<That's why... that's why
I felt it appropriate to... gentlemen, the gift!>>

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