I could add to this list, Oasis. But anyway, formal dating sites are great if a little stilted, but if you want to do it guerilla style, then social media might be for you. Since I am a Vagabondist by trade and a guerilla by necessity, social media is more my thing. Those formal dating sites all look kind of generic to me. I know quite a few guys who use Facebook for finding flings. Airtime, launched by one of Facebook's founding fathers, allows users to have video chats with both friends and complete strangers, from all over the world! Unlike many dating sites, social media is free, and you have control over how you interact (kind of). ![]() ![]() ![]() HUNTING ONLINE FOR GIRLS' MOBILE PHONE NUMBERS is kind of an Indian thing, but it seems to be going on in Oz as well. As far back as 2008, teenage girls have been painting their phone numbers on their backs at the beach, using blue zinc cream. All in the hope that hot guys would notice, and call or text/sext them. On sites such as Friendship Key, one can obtain the mobile phone numbers of the chicks there, or SMS them, but you have to be a member first. ![]() ![]() ![]() I lived in Australia for the first 27 years of my life, and came back for years 38 to 41, which means to date that I have lived three quarters of my life in the country. That is more than enough time to appreciate and understand the movement of the seasons, the constellations in the sky, or the relations of the sexes. Australia began as a convict nation, and I am proud to say, I have some convict blood myself. When I look around at Anglo-Saxon Aussie women today, however, I see a lot of DNA similar to my own, no doubt some of it convict, and to be frank this makes me feel a little incestuous. It is like I can see my cousins' eyes in theirs, and that's not cool. Maybe it is because of this or because of the fact I lived 10 years in Japan, that these days I go for Asian ladies. I dig them, they dig me, and there is absolutely no chance that we are second cousins or anything like that... our DNA is half a world apart! When I was working as a journalist in the 1990s in Bankstown in Sydney's west, there was a Filipina lass named D.E. working there for a while and she kind of seduced me, not just onto herself, but into the whole Asian chick thing. I'd had girlfriends before, me wonder why there couldn't be a universal GayDar, a GayDar for straights. ![]() ![]() ![]() EVERY COUNTRY HAS ITS OWN PERSONALITY... WHAT THEN COULD YOU SAY ABOUT AUSTRALIAN GIRLS? Once upon a time it used to said that Australian girls were sporty, outdoorsy, kind of outspoken. That is all true still and relevant, but these days you could drop a few more adjectives into the mix: for example, exhibitionist. As one foreign visitor remarked: "ok i'm SURE there are drunkard fat and dumb ozzie women there....but the really really hot women i've met....were Australians. and nice to talk to!! =)" That's my impression on a macro scale, but on the micro level, there is a lot of diversity; every part of Australia has its own personality, its own distinctiveness. Why is it so many Australian girls have tattoos? There may be truth to the cliche, but as with any cliche, it can only describe one layer of the truth. the early immigrants to Australia didn't go by choice, in a vast number of cases. or at least a dumping ground for dangerous elements of British society. Australia was a place to be hated and despised by the people who were sent there. working-class, Irish and native born peoples". It goes on to add:
Koori girls have been lifting their acts lately. America, the dream came green and fertile. The British were expelledor class. The top soil was thin and droughts common. The Convict uprising at Vinegar Hill was ruthlessly crushed as was the Eureka rebellion 50 years later. Ned Kelly led a independence movement only to be captured and hung. Australia's politicians never preached the virtues of being Australian nor did they preach equality of race or class. Just when Gallipoli war hero, John Simpson, seemed to have built an aura of someone with divine protection, he was shot dead. Don Bradman needed only 4 runs in his last innings to achieve the magical average of 100 but was bowled first ball. Pharlap, the loser horse that became a champion, . ![]() In the wake of Australia's disappointing result at the 2012 London Olympics, one of the country's top sporting officials said many Australian girls had to lose a bit of weight. Or words to that effect. Hot they are not.
A picture might be worth a thousand words, but talk is cheap; when it comes to physical beauty and perfection, seeing is ultimately believing...
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